Awake at 2AM

Here I am again, awake in the middle of the night. Nowhere to go. Nothing to do. No one to talk to. No one but myself, I suppose. Well, actually, that’s not true; I could always talk to God or something. God’s up at 2 am, isn’t he? I’d like to think he’s always up. But everybody has to sleep, don’t they? And I would assume that God would be considered a part of everybody. So maybe he does go to sleep at 2 am, maybe even before that. Maybe he’s one of those guys who’s fast asleep not an hour after dinner. Maybe he likes to catch a few of his favorite prime time television shows first. Maybe he takes up a good book before retiring to his quarters. Maybe not. I don’t know. I don’t know much of anything really. I wish I did. Maybe if I believed in God this would be easier. So I suppose he’s sleeping then. Sleeping as he always is for me. For some people God is wide awake at 2 am, but not for me. For me he’s always fast asleep. And I’m always wide awake. Awake at 2 am. Nowhere to go. Nothing to do. No one to talk to. No one but myself.

A guy

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..and my away message. I would hope that God would try to be awake during the hours that the people who can’t sleep feel most alone.

lol, I’m almost always awake at 2 am, but that’s cause I’m a night person. Now, here’s the part where I try to force my faith on you…just kidding. 🙂 But, really, I strongly believe God exists and that he’s definitely awake 24/7. Coffeeless, too. However, as much as I’d like to, I can’t make you agree with me. You would just have to trust for yourself that He is out there and that He cares.

Oh, and, good luck with what guy? Adam has a girlfriend (unfortunately…), and Chad and I are just friends, which was the whole point of a lot of that entry, lol. And Michael is 9 years older than I am, which is way too old. Who were you referring to?

lol, ok, sorry. I assumed that, seeing as though you really were awake last night at 2 am, those were your own thoughts. Anyway, sorry about not seeing the sarcasm! I hate it when I take jokes seriously, lol. It totally ruins them. Nope, I don’t have a boyfriend, as the title might imply. 🙂

Okay, I’ll definitely remember that as I read these. I’m always wanting people to know that just because a character is a lot like me, or has similarities to me, doesn’t mean that everything about her is the same with me. So, sorry again.

hmm.. maybe … for me God is in a coma for me.. Its not like he was awake at one point.. he didn’t go to sleep.. he’s always been asleep. I wish something .. or maybe someone could wake him up.. hmm.. you’re not the only one awake at two a.m. wanna be awake together? better than being awake alone… heh…

April 24, 2004

Im often awake at 2am. If I believed in god I would believe in a god that was lying awake at 2am worrying about how hes going to get peace in the middle east.

heh.. if there is a god, i believe he’s awake at 2am.. though he’s probably reading jesus his bedtime story around then.. actually, they’re probably on a different time zone than we are.. maybe god is sleeping during the day while we’re at work.. which would explain why he does nothing about the fucking traffic..

i’m almost always awake between 2pm and 7am.. something about sleeping during the day makes me feel safer.. all the bad things happen to people me at night.. i have free long distance if you ever need company.. *lol* i’m almost kidding..

i always thought extreme boredom was when god took a nap. At least thats what an old lady told me.

if you ever get those really bored moments, im always up for a nice chat, so have my sn if you wish. Od37076380n35 (thats aim) and if you want yahoo, its fixxxer6905. *shrug* Im me, or dont, no big deal either way. 😀