a new start

Well, I am back again, I finally got on a med that stabilized me. Depekote … sounds like an Indian name.


As for my quest I have returned to my native mustard tree of Christianity, (with some side studies on Free Mason and the Philosophy of Religion). Been re-reading the gospels and looking closely at them through the lens that Christ was a humble man (never wanting his miracles known) and the apostles were very proud (based there faith on the miracles not the ministry).  I feel that Christ never once uttered the phrase “wailing and gnashing of teeth.”  I may get into what I have found later, but for know I want to talk about me.


I am working to find a way back into school, but it looks kind of bleak for this semester, I would not mind just studying theology for the semester but my mother would not let me continue to live with her if I did that, Need to get a Real Job or be in school to stay here, and here is Guatemala, so I kind of want to stay for now.  All 3 volcanoes are active here in Guatemala City for the first time in more then a century, with the Tsunami makes one think, a-hah-ah-ha, Ephphatha! If you know what I mean. I remember my trip to Hicadooa in Sri Lanka  I was hit by a jeep going 101 KpH and ended up with multiple concussions but no broken bones, however the hospitals left much to be desired and the swaying back and forth of the train from the beach to Colombo nearly killed me in my condition.


No one is emailing me, only fair I never email them, but I need to write so it goes out to the ether,


All hail to the ether and much love to all,


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January 6, 2005

welcome back