back to life



Free flow rant (just get it out


My life got really crazy this last 2 months,


I fell of the face of the planet.


I dropped out of college, I walked away from my job, I went down to California where my brother was being institutionalized for being bi-polar hyper manic. He had been spiraling down for a couple of months after he moved to Spokane. (spring break) anyway, I took the extra room (moved into Abrams and used mine) to become a primary care giver for a medical marijuana patient which made me a shield for possession and paraphernalia and the garden was growing well, the beginning of September had 14 4-foot indicia plants. (the exact amount for a 60 day supply set up by the med-pot law in WA) Then my brother went of the deep end, like way beyond knowing what is real. And I went down to California to see if I could help while he was being institutionalized. 


Anyway I was down there 2 days and the dealer I was getting my patient’s meds from decides that he had some right to rob me. Broke into my place and probably took the caps of the plant but (as the cops have not returned it yet) I can not be sure. Well the COPs fucking pigs!  Do a safety sweep of the crime scene (my apartment) and find the garden. They then ignore all the paperwork and the law and seized the plants (killing them) they tore the lights out of the ceiling and left holes. Trashed my apartment and robbed me under the color of law and with complete disregard of it. This set me over the edge, and my depressive side of my bi-polar disorder came out strong (thank you Val, you were the first person who told me I had cycles that I believed)


So I did not go back to school I did not go back to work, I just stayed in Cali trying to figure out my next move.


Then my father was on the edge of his own break down, my aunt ( who is also bi-polar ) became suicidal and I started having rage issues with my manic phase .  as thing rolled to a boil Kathy’s psychologist told her that the only way to keep her self out of the institution was to return her house to the pre break stage which means Abram and I had to move out we could not stay with my dad and aunt anymore.


So the beginning of October I am back in WA and Abram went down to my mom in Guatemala.  He is doing better there and they have lowered his meds. He also is seeing a psychologist and getting the help he needs.


Here in WA I missed a month of work and am still unstable. And I am being evicted from my apartment my power was shut off since my birthday. I worked on moving my stuff out by selling plasma to fill the gas tank (oh yeah my mom cut me off) I got most of the small stuff, then my mom felt that it wasn’t happening soon enough so she sends me money for a u-haul so I got it all out and in elk. But now I am thinking of staying around so I have been living off my ex-girlfriends couch (Melissa) babysitting her 7 year old daughter and doing chores for rent, (a house husband with out the husbandry) but that is a hard living thing. Lots of stuff to work out with that girl to be civil.    And I now this week got over my pride tucked my tail between my legs and came back to work, they are even trying to get me on the schedule but for now I am just taking the sub-shifts.


Hopefully I can work more then 20 hours a week so I can get food stamps.


Being homeless for a while has its benefits. Under the homeless statues I got into see a psychiatrist who gave me Zypreca ($500 worth a month supply, but I am not taking full does so it will last me a little longer)  or something for a mood stabilizer and it works great,


I feel like the storm has passed and left with relief and great joy at the coming dawn.


Still stabilizing on my new meds but it looks like they will work.


It has been an interesting change turning 25


Medicated for life,


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October 31, 2004

That’s some roller coaster you were on. Hope you keep writing and letting OD Land know how you’re doing.

December 2, 2004

kit I hope that every thing works out for you 🙂

A’right geezer? life is weird, sometimes I think things could not be better and I’m totally in control, the next minute I’m sent reeling , there seems to be cycles and religion can be the stabiliser I think, I dunno, i hope you are ok…..

you’re bipolar? I was diagnosed that…but then they just diagnosed me schizoaffective. I hope you are well.