
Ok, were to start? Physical pain is good because it is a warning when our body is in jeopardy or is being injured thus alerting us so that we can take immediate action to help preserve ourselves.


But what about the pain of sickness, what of that?


When I was a child I caught a fever,

My hands were like two balloons.

Now I got the feeling once again.

I can not explain, this is not who I am.

And I, I have become comfortably Numb.


Ok here is a start, the flu:


The flu has a 23 some odd generation mutation cycle so that there are only about 2 dozen flu types taking turns each season to make a 23 some odd year repeating cycle of flu.

But your body immunizes it’s self after the flu so, if one were to catch the flu every season buy the time your are in your mid 20’s you will have in you an immunity to all major strains of flu. And it is a natural lasting immunity that you can’t get from the vaccines.  Thus, sickness in youth can prolong life. For that which does not kill you, makes you stronger.


But what of death? How does that benefit anyone?


Well most simply it makes room for the next generations. However, more meaningful then that, I guess I would have to explain how my grandma’s last years with cancer was a benefit for 3 generations.


My Grandma was a very beautiful woman, a school teacher. Her cancer was of the face, so,  a few surgeries (in an attempt to remove the cancer) quickly spoiled that beauty. So much so that she frightened the children who saw her.

Not able to continue to teach while terrifying the children and not able to make regular hours with the irregular sickness:  She had to stop teaching. This was when chemo was done with mustard gas, not radiation.


This radical pain in her life turned it up side down, no longer the nurturing mother but the nurtured patient,  no longer the beauty but the beast, no longer being called mom by children but having children call for their mom.


So what does she do? She became a founding member of the Utah/Bolivia Project. Where she and her friends gathered money in Utah and took it down to Bolivia to build schools. This was part of the campaign to stop communism by building the schools and hospitals that the communist rebels were promising. But I am sure for my grandma it was all about bringing education to children. With this new purpose she lives several more years building dozens of schools in Bolivia and Peru, I went to one a few years ago, the school still runs. So for my grandma the cancer redirected her life into a direction that made a more lasting good for more people. I suspect she also learnt a few lessons about physical beauty as well. It is sort of a ‘flower for Algernon’ situation. Sadly none of these lessons became part of our family lore.


Then she died.


This tragedy sent my grandpa of into the wilderness for a while yet he was found and brought back to the light by his new wife over a decade later.

Thus, my mother at 16, was left to take care of the 3 men of the house, her father, older and younger brother.


Now I don’t know how much of this is directly a result from this sudden responsibility but I suspect a lot if not all of it is:

My mom is very motivated, she has this notion of finding her bliss and following it aggressively, she holds her mom with such high esteem that she diminishes her self-esteem, always the lesser teacher always in the shadow of her mom. So under this scepter she is always trying to improve herself, and all aspects of her life. But, this drive, my mom exudes, is an amazing attribute.  It allows her many opportunities for she can tenaciously hold on to the goal and see it through.

With the inspiration of her mother, my mother joined the foreign exchange program, and by them spent her senior year in Japan. (as a side note my grandpa my mom’s father was in Japan during WWII, as a merchant marine.) Then my older uncle gains employment as an international teacher. And then my mom finishes college a single mom with two kids and takes us overseas as well. (interestingly it was the divorce of mom’s older brother that gave us a foot in the door of the international community, for it was my uncles ex-wife who was still teaching in Damascus  and it was her who’s influence got my mom hired for the 1990-1991 school year: eventful year) My mom took me around the world 8 times before I graduated from High School. Sh

e lives now as a elementary principal in Guatemala, I am sure grandma is beaming down with happiness to see her daughter.


Now there is me, I never met my grandma, but she has always been a part of my life. There are several instances where she has calmed me, but there were several that frightened me as well. But it is the legacy she started as a way to overcome her cancer. I feel I have lived a full life and I am only 24, I have a hybrid culture and through my exposures to life I have become very ecumenical and I strive very hard to judge not. It made me passionate about politics, curious about religion, and open minded about things I do not understand. I have also in my life been able to make friends from just about every developed nation in the world.


I attribute this all to my liberal education in the school of the world.



It is in this way that even 3 generations later, the courage my grandma had to face her death and make the best of it, has produced a perpetuating tradition in our family to see the world.


My grandma’s sickness motivated her to go; so to say she had a full life. Grandma’s accomplishments provided inspiration and motivation to my mom. And by this has produced an amazing story of my childhood. And left me with much broader horizons then would have otherwise been available to a poor kid from Salt Lake


I deeply belief that all tragedy happens for a good reason. 


For all pain carries with it a gift, and if you face your pain to find the gift within you shall find happiness even in your pain, and likely once the gift is found the pain leaves.


Also you have no control over what happens to you or what people do, you only have control over how you react, so it really is a mater of choice.


If you want to be happy, chose to respond with happiness to all that happens and you will be happy.


With love,


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May 26, 2004

I have been living everyday since 1997 with chronic back pain from a very serious car accident. Ive struggled day to day since then to try to keep my spirits from falling to depression.I have fallen into depression and have fought to come out of it. Your story is very encouraging to hear.I agree, everything happens for a reason,a learning experience.The pain will never go away for me though.

thank you for the note and honestly no i dont think that there’s possibly any good that can come from depression my depression is very sever and i have been this way for the past 5 yrs. and nothing good has happened. i dont think that good can come from living your life every day feeling like u live in hell and hurting everyday…and having no feeling inside of you what so ever and

trying your hardest to isocolate yourself from the world cause your afraid of pain never letting yourself go and just let yourself cry from a heartache and letting yourself auctally feel the pain instead of running from everything you possibly can..ppl say i cant do that forever but i can ive done if for 5 yrs. so anyways thanks for the note and note me bak!!!!

sorry to seem obtuse, but what did your note mean? i’m not a particularly big fan of obscure language.

you speak truth here. “catastrophes are the cauldrons of creation.” i rekon you’d love ‘fruit of lips’ by eugene rosenstock-huessy

May 26, 2004

Thank you for a beautiful and enlightening entry. It was my pleasure to read

I’m feeling terribly depressed now, I think my father raped me,and that really depresses me. I read Isaiah and Ezekiel and read about satan’s wealth and power and that depressed me more because I wasn’t created a mighty angelic guardian. what really gets me down is my wonderful bible. I love it , but even though I bought it , I can’t seem to have a sense of ownership.

I understand what you say, I still feel very guilty about feeling scared about a person in our church’s disfigured face.

I am delighted you found my diary. did you find the spiritual part of it very good as well ? you know I am on psychiatric drugs ? but I see how positive it has been that I got rid of my 800 plus diary. I have now seen fresh blood.

I’m scared of so many things in life but you have had so many experiences in life. you have had a well rounded life and it shows. and your entire family is free spirited and motivated, it runs in your genes and it shows. my family is sluggish and slow and down all the time.

I come from Sri lanka. a country south of India, the pearl of the Indian Ocean. I’m going for choir practice today.

last of all I wonder if I could use some of your quotations for my diary.

May 27, 2004

what would you like to know about it?

May 28, 2004

If one can stop desiring, if one can take life as it comes, Then only one can be free of unhappiness.

May 28, 2004

I also believe that tragedy happens for a good, higher reason. I feel that the pain/tragedy in my life hurt deeply while it was occuring, but I emerged as a stronger, wiser person. Your mom and grandma sound like very caring, selfless people. Travel is a great way to learn about the world. I haven’t yet left the west coast US due to lack of money, but someday I will travel as much as possible.

May 28, 2004

The more connected and harmonious you feel within yourself, the easier it will be for you and others around you to be happy.