Oh sons of Benjamin!

tell me all you know.

i have been aware of this tribe, it is important… something about a camp…, in the desert, near the city on the hill.

oh ye children, exiles in the desert tell me what you know.

who are the sons of Benjamin?

why the fierce warriors neighbors to Judah found imbedded in Rome?

oh Children of Benjamin, hear me! the time has come for one to step forward once again.

Poor Martyrs, Great Warriors,

Strike me blind so i can see, take my life to set me free.

oh you exiles of the desert who will come forward?

who will clam the throne of the long lost kingdom. there can be only one. there can be only one.

at the marriage of god to his wife, then known by the names Adam and Eve, Eve in the ecstatic state of the consuming love for her god, her husband, her self. Eve with her Son Christ contrived a plan to give God a gift that even that which is all does not have. So eve left her new husband at the alter of timelessness and ran to the garden to eat the psychedelic fruit of Knowledge. In the spell of the drug and with her divine creative powers she transmuted herself to all that is in a mighty bang that had no sound, but light, so mush light that it clustered together for fear of the great void, the mighty canvases of her new form.

When the lord god saw what his new bride had done he went into a mighty rage, yet the Son Christ took the mighty hand of the Raging God, and explained to him the gift his wife had given him. and the Lord God wept for 7 times 7 years. and the tears collected and filled ocean planets. and with the sudden revelation, of that which is divine, the Lord God realized that there was no repository for the mind of his bride. so he descended onto his wife’s new form and with a mighty thunder blast created the original germ. In this, the smallest of the creatures, he put the mechanism for it to grow into a receptacle for the life force and eventually the sentiency of his bride. but the infinite can not be fully expressed, yet, in the physical form so only a subset of the infinite permeations of character and form are expressed at a time. All that is they all are Her our Mother Universe, for whom we owe thanks for she is the source of God’s love for us. God who is patently waiting at the alter of timelessness, for what is time to God? waiting until his bride can return to him whole.

for in the end god and his bride are the same, there is only one god.

we must try our best to reflect the beauty and divinity within us less we make God fear he has lost his bride to the darkness and he tries something drastic to save her. for the gift Eve gives to God is the very trap that god thinks Eve is in. She, the Bride of God, is simply fixing up this ‘cell’ into a glorious palace, one free from sin, which god can not bear to be around. A palace where god and his bride may live together forever.

much love,



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Hey, I never do this random note spree piece of crap stuff, but, could you do me a favor and vote on the next president in my recent entry. It’d mean a lot if you’d vote against bush, I mean, vote for who you think is right for the job. thank you.

Thank you for correcting me on the Green Party thing, I would have felt like a major idiot if more people had come and told me of my mistake. Thank you, have a nice night.

April 21, 2004

Where is this piece from? I am not sure if I understand your note completely… or your question. All humans make errors, and some turn to God for repentence. In all religions God is said to be loving and forgiving. Since God created so many of us, and such diversity… I can’t believe only one religion would therefore be acceptable before God. That’s the problem though, humans like to put labels

April 21, 2004

and boxes on people. When if you strip away all of those things we are all just skeletons, organs, and skin walking around. There is no difference between any of us.

thankies for ur note. God is lyke super!

April 21, 2004

thanks for the note

RYN: Thank you for stopping by! Feel free to stop by any time! God Bless!

April 22, 2004

ryn: did you read my ‘Patriarchal God Part I’? kind of goes along what you were saying… thanks for leaving a note.

April 24, 2004

Thanks for your note. Very funny. Thanks.

ryn: do you have experience with the fabled mushroom? i an very interested in this realm of discovery. i myself am an EX weed smoker, but i still partake of the mysterious mushie once a year when the season comes. in my experience weed is seductive and claims to be angelic, but after a while it shows its true nature to be demonic. mushrooms on the other hand are, as you said, a slap in the face…

and i mean, what else can you expect when confronting the holy of holies? God will not say “sure, here i am, take a look” then turn around and torture you. we know from his Word that humans cannot even look at his face and live! this seems to prove the mushroom’s authority as a peephole (a tiny one!) to the truly Divine. but i agree, and am very sympathetic, when people call these things poison

and decide to leave them alone. aldous huxley called mescaline “a gratuitous grace” neither necessary nor sufficient for ones personal salvation. that definitely sums up these substances. if you are willing to risk your mind and soul for a glimpse of the Divine, then “be my guest” says God, BUT 1) you must be able to bring back GOOD kodak moments from your trips and share them with others, and..

2) don’t even dare to take advantage of such Divine privileges. or God will slap you down. take em just enough for God to slap you up — that’s envigorating. 😉 anyway, now i’m interested in your thoughts on all this. email if its at all lengthy (find it on my front page). peace

Adam=Osiris Eve=Isis