what do you think?

i feel that not all prayers are Holy. i feel that prayers that are rooted in sin are sinful. such as prayers based on the 7 deadly sins. Envy, lust, gluttony, greed, pride, and the two i am probably committing and cant remember what they are. i think revenge should be on the list but i guess it is just a form of Envy and a perverse sense of justice.

anyway prayers for these things are BAD; even if it is a prayer at a ball game, if you offer a prayer to some to the determent of others falls on deaf ears with god. for how could she grant those prayers?

god give me the promotion,

god give me more money,

god let me prove my self over joe in this meeting.

i find a lot of the prayers are of this class. greedy prayers. why would you ask for something you don’t need? god gave you LIFE and his son what more do you want from him? a shiny new car?

what do you think?


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I do agree that not all prayers are so called “holy” however they are forgiven for whatever mistakes or sins they have commited when they ask for repentance in prayer. Everyone walks in sin and it is not our right to condemn them, only God can judge. And it was He who sent his one and only son so that we could be forgiven for ‘the seven deadly sins’…people can walk in sin all their life…

…and at last minute before they take their breath accept Jesus into their hearts/lives and they shall go to heaven. The only problem with such living is they do not know when their eleventh hour shall come. But what you have said is true, sure we are not all holy…we are all full of sin…but we can be forgiven. PRAYER is not meant for “God give me bicycle” even though people are led to…

…believe so. “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23 We all live in an unholy world and that is MAN’s fault (as in humankind not just men in general)…we chose to sin since the garden of eaden…and I may be getting off subject but my point really is…yes we are all sinners…yes we fall short of holiness and glory…but we ALL do, and not ALL of us pray…

…most importantly it is not our job to judge despite how much we may like it. *Much Love and God Bless* *Me* PS: I found this entry by looking at the recently posted…thought I might add my opinion…:-)

April 16, 2004

I never really thought of this before, but that makes sense. Maybe that’s why in Islam prayers are persrcibed in a certain way – at specific times of the day. Everyone says the same prayer… based on glorifying God.

i think it’s alright to say exactly what’s on your mind, because otherwise all the greedy religious people, maybe they wouldn’t pray at all, or their prayers would be hypocritical. if you’re always asking for things, god is annoyed, but he’s like, ‘at least this person has faith in me, and depends on me as if i were their parent. which i am anyway.’

I didn’t say hate has no place with god; I know any god is mandalic. I said hate has no place within a religion. Religion is about trying to overcome human instincts, i.e. hate, in order to unite with one’s god.Not so with the religion that kills nonbelievers: Inquisition? Crusades?As for modern-day religion, there are many fundamentalists

who would love to see some atheists, or anyone of a different religion burn. Granted, they are the extreme in this case, nevertheless present.

I agree completely with you on this entry. I’ve gone to Catholic School my entire life. Every day it’s one selfish prayer after the other…P.S. the other two deadly sins are anger and sloth.

what is ur entry subject that you were reffering to guarden angels? i would love to read it! :oD

yet so true on this subject. *nodds but i probley guess they arn’t god chasers if they are greedy.

Anyone who wants to talk to god can call it holy.. The reason we talk to GOD is to better ourselves there for it was selfish. I AM NOT christian but went to church long enough to know most 99% of people are there to make themselves look/feel better…

“we all come short of the glory of GOD” Romans 3:23. GOd is a forgiving GOD and as long as we ask him to forgive us dailym and mean it with a repentance heart you will be fine. the bible says that GOD forgives us 70×7 times a day …some may commit that many sins but GOD is just and forgiving

April 18, 2004

I do not know. My task is to be the best person that I can be and to treat every day as a learning experience to make that so.

You are absolutely right! We must pray according to our God’s will, and not according to the desires of the flesh which is of the world and not of the Spirit. Are you a Christian, too? Thanks for the note! 🙂

be careful not to put God in a box.

April 21, 2004

I think there is one prayer only. Gratitude. No words are needed. Just an appreciation of all we have been given. As Corrie TenBoom said ‘give thanks in all things.’ It is from her book The HIDING PLACE. Most prayers are like giving a gift and having the child come back wanting more and more and more. A GWB in other word. I know if I were G d I would grant a few and then decide to give to

April 21, 2004

those who were greatful for the small things. I would much rather give them the big things as well.

April 21, 2004

“how could she grant those prayers?”… she???

my only prayer is ‘Lord, your will be done.’ what else can one ask? —