Holy Quran Sura II

(today i had a day of fast and study, the book i chose was the Quran since it is Islamic awarness week here at WSU

the following verses set me thinking if they set you thinking to please let me know what you think)

Quotes from the Second Sura that stood out in my mind:


10.  In their hearts is a disease;

And Allah has increased their disease;

And grievous is the penalty they incur,

Because they are false to themselves.

11. When it is said to them:

Make not mischief on the earth,”

They say: “why, we only want to make peace!”


 19. or another similitude

is that of rain-laden cloud

from the sky; in it are zones

of darkness, and thunder and lightning:

they press their fingers in their ears

To keep out the stunning thunder-clap,

The while they are in terror of death,

But Allah is ever round the rejecters of Faith.


23. And if ye are in doubt as to what we have revealed

from time to time Our servant,

Then produce a Sura like there unto;

And call your witnesses or helpers

(if there are any) besides Allah,

If your (doubts) are true.


85. after this it is ye, the same people

who slay among yourselves,

and banish a party of you

from their homes; assist

(Their enemies) against them,

In guilt and rancour;

And if they come to you

As captives, ye ransom them

Though it was not lawful

For you to banish them

Then it is only a part of the BOOK

That ye believe in

And do ye reject the rest?

But what is the reward for those

Among you who behave like this

But isgrace in this life?—

And on the day of Judgment

They sall be consigned to the most grievous penalty

For Allah in not unmindful

Of what ye do.


101. And when came to them an Apostle from Allah,

Confirming what was with them,

A party of the People of the BOOK

Threw away the Book of Allah

Behind their backs

As if (it had been something)

They did not know!


109. Quite a number of the People of the BOOK wish they could

Turn you (people) back to infidelity after ye have believed,

From selfish envy,

After the Truth hath become manifest unto them:

But forgive and overlook,

Till Allah accomplish his purpose;

For Allah hath power over all things


110. And be steadfast in prayer

And regular in charity:

And whatever good

Ye send forth for your souls

Before you, ye shall find it

<FONT si

ze=3>With Allah: for Allah sees

Well all that ye do.


111. And they say :”none shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Chrstian.”

Those are their (vain) desires.

Say: “Produce your proof if ye are truthful.”


112. nay, — whoever submits his whole self to Allah

and is a doer of good, – He will get his reward

With his Lord; on such shall be no fear,

Nor shall they grieve.


129. “Our Lord! Send amongst them

An Apostle of their own,

Who shall rehearse Thy Signs

To them and instruct them

In scripture and Wisdom,

And sanctify them:

For thou art the exalted in might, the Wise.”


190. fight in the cause of Allah,

those who fight you,

but do not transgress limits;

for Allah loveth not transgressors.

191. And slay them Where ever ye catch them,

And turn them out from where they have

Turned you out;

For tumult and oppression are worse then slaughter;

But fight them not at the sacred Mosque,

Unless they (first) fight you there:

But if they fight you Slay them.

Such is the reward of those who suppress Faith.


192. But if they cease,

Allah is Oft-Forgiving,

Most Merciful.


193. and fight them on until there is no more

Tumult or oppression and there prevail Justice and faith in Allah;

But if they cease,

Let there be no hostility

Except to those who practice oppression.


221. Do not marry unbelieving women until they believe;

a slave woman who believes is better then an unbelieving woman,

even though se allure you.

Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe;

A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever,

Enen though he allure you.

Unbelievers do but becon you to the Fire.

But Allah beckons by his Grace to the Garden

And forgiveness,

And makes His Signs clear to mankind:

That they may Celebrate His Praise.


224. And make not Allah’s name an excuse

in your oaths against doing good, or acting rightly,

or making peace between persons;

for Allah is ONE

who Hears and Knows all things.


256. Let there be no compulsion

In religion: Truth stands out clear from Error:

Whoever rejects Evil and believes in Allah hath

Grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks.

And Allah hears and knows all things.


264. O ye who believe!

Cancel not your charity

By reminders of you generosity

<P class=MsoNormal style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”>Or by injury, — like those

Who spend their substance to be seen of men, but believe neither

In Allah nor in the Last Day.

They are in Parable like a hard,

Barren rock, on which is a little soil;

On it falls heavy rain,

Which leaves it (just) a bare stone.

They will be able to do nothing

With aught they have earned

And Allah guides not

Those who reject faith.


286.  on no soul doth Allah

Place a burden greater then it can bear.

It gets every good that it earns,

And it suffers every ill that it earns,

(Pray:) “Our Lord!

Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error;

Our Lord!

Lay not on us a burden like that which thou didst lay on those before us;

Or Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater then we have strength to bear.

Blot out our sins,

And grant us forgiveness,

Have mercy on us.

Thou art our protector;

Help us against those who stand against Faith.”


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this is a beautful sura, by the way in the book I was reading the author was very clear that the punishment of apostacy related to Muslims only and ‘people of the book’ could change religion or not believe without being penalised though not sure if this is followed in the strict Islamic states….

who is this, you left a note in my diary, and i just wanted to know if i knew you.

April 9, 2004

Fear is a poweful motivator, eh? I think it’s interesting that so much energy is devoted to the what not to do.

“Produce your proof if ye are truthful.” – The Qumran works well as an abridgement to the distortions rendered on the NT by the early Christian Church. Apart from that, ‘Allah’ represents little more than a paraphrase of the Judeo-Christian ‘God’. Through all things good and bad can truth be discovered. i like your front page quote too.

April 14, 2004

Two brothers were seperated and went out amoung their people. They both wrote books on what they remembered. But memories are different and they wrote of the same father who had raised them and held them fast. Yet as time passed their great great grandchildren fought about who remembered the stories right and love the grandfather most. The even killed for their beliefs not realizing they were 1