Mustard Seed

What can one Person (Per-daughter?) do?


If One with drive can have faith (of such a small proportion that it could be compared to a mustard seed) on can walk up to a mountain and say mountain move and it will thus move away.


If One can make Peace between two households he can say to the mountain ‘mountain move’ and it will thus be removed.  ***–Gnostic from gospel of Tomas *****


But like a mustard seed our best qualities are brought out under presser. That being bruised and crushed bring out its fiery vigor.


And a simple small thing like a man with in a few years of teaching to neighboring villages and towns (and the occasional jaunt into the big city); well he made few converts, mostly among the unlearned and the poor, then is caught by his enemies and killed.


So slight an accomplishment, truly the weight of a mustard seed.


But his few followers also had faith the size of a mustard seed. And the seed found fertile ground in the hearts of those faithful.


and slowly at first then quicker and quicker, then 300 years after the death of the man and most of the core doctrine has been written. Constantine, a pagan Roman emperor, much like the blessed serpent of the garden, took the message and tried to used it as a tool of controlling the problems faced by the massive state of ROME. 


There was much lost in this event, gospels lost because they promoted FREE WILL and notions that viewed the resurrection as a metaphor for our lives and see the Crucifixions not as a salvation but a means to a salvation. One must first be like unto Christ and sacrifice ourselves to the world. This is not saying you need to go get your self killed by the State but it does mean that you should turn the other cheek, forgive others as we are ourselves forgiven by god. And most importantly and above all, just simply love your Neighbor as yourself.  Ok, I guess I got side tracked. But I lament something’s that were lost. Much like the parable of the Tares, Constantine did not head the words of the Good Master who told his servants to leave the weeds, for who is to say at this point what is a weed and what is good wheat. But what Constantine thought of as a weed was gone, so the Roman State defined Orthodox Christianity. But ROME was HUGE!  And for the small cost of distorting Christ’s message it was spread to every corner of the globe.


Now that Seed is grown, and is the greatest among herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches. Not bad for a bastard carpenter born to poverty. Truly Devine if you ask me.



Well I would be that bird then, finding shelter in my nest, in the branch of the tree that was grown from the seed of the Martyr Christ. And though I flit from tree to tree I built my nest in my 2000 year old living home.


Some birds are particularly fond of the seed so that at times they gather in greet numbers on the boughs. The tree providing shelter and sustenance for the multitudes. The tree is a giver and a protector.   


love to all,



ps. a note on my tree hoping, i feel that all religions are truth, and truth changes from culture to culture. so to find the right faith for you find the faith held by your culture.

god just wants us to be happy so don’t pick a faith that makes up misriable just becuse you think it will help after you die, what if heaven is an instant. all that is now is an instant. forever the instant of NOW.


with love,


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April 4, 2004

It’s a shame how many competing Christianity’s were virtually snuffed out by Roman Orthodox Christianity. I’ve been meaing to pick up Lost Christianities by Bart D. Ehrman. Have you heard of this book?

that’s all you need to start – just a small seed of faith. I’ve kept the faith and there’s been peace in my household, that’s for sure. I have a tendency to make up words on the fly. like ‘posidividy’ for example. xoxox

the last paragragh you wrote really hit the spot light on my last entry question. I know what I feel in my heart is right with the Lord…but I was worried on which religion was right about what happens when we die..and I was scared I’d make the wrong decision in beleif…thanks alot. Take care With love~Dee

But none of Muhammed’s prophecies have come true, how reliable can that statement of him being a prophet be? I dont think you and I would agree very well on ‘god’. *sigh*.. I dont believe you know who God is..

Thanks for the note but i dont respect you for telling me that celebisey is stupid obviously u didnt wait till marrige,and i dont believe that u follow GOD if you think its stupid cause it cleary states in the bible to wait till marrige & that premarital sex is a sin…

Also i didnt appreicate the note saying that depression is something u grow out of,cause its something that is diganosed,so obviously urs wasnt bad enough u dont know me u dont know how old i am so “DONT JUDGE FOR WHAT U DONT UNDERSTAND!!!”

April 5, 2004

all religions are true?where did that come from?i still say that people make the jesus thing too hardpeople go to schoolget pumped up by knowledgeand think they can “explain” everythingwhen the truths to christianity are very simple:) smiles…waves

April 5, 2004

Hey! LOL I dont know if you have noted in my diary before, but it seems like you have. Maybe a long time ago?!? Your diary looks familiar though, haha =) Have a great day!

April 5, 2004

and yet, Christianity is the only religion that as held up under scrutiny of historians and archeologists. no one can’t mold God to support your opinion; God doesn’t fit in a bottle. ~

Salaam, hello and thanks for your kind words. That quotation is unfortunately not from the Qu’ran but just something an individual claimed to have heard the Prophet(SAW) say, who in turn heard it from Gabriel, in a sense it’s third hand and is part of the hadith (sayings and traditions) the authenticity of which can obviously be argued about though I believe it and really like the general message.

By the way, I enjoy reading you diary and appreciate your attitude which is spot on from my point of view, also the above note is obviously from the Muslim perspective only.

Sorry man, just got your other note and that film brings back some memories I tell you, must have seen that about ten years ago, maybe keep my eye out for it now….

Hey sorry about this, vquickly re:goodness/mustard seed/atom/hadith, the hadith claims that anyone by saying those words and meaning it eventually gets out of hell even if they are sent there, presumably as everyone has an atoms weight of good in them. Again it is a hadith and questionable and strictly the belief of Muslims.

April 5, 2004

There is only one truth: Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me.” According to that, I have to disagree with your P.S. (I didnt really understand the rest of your entry). Jesus also said “I am the same yesterday, today and forever”, so therefore, truth never changes. Facts change, but not the truth. There is only one way to God, and that’s truth

April 6, 2004

I agree that all religions are truth, which vary from culture to culture. There is something interesting to be found in all paths of spirituality.

April 6, 2004

I always liked that fable. RYN: Well you do a good job exposing yourself.

RYN: Who is God? There are a lot of ways to answer that one.. but I will start with the simple stuff.. God is the creator of life, the bible says by Him all things were created, nothing that has been created has been created without Him.. just looking at that alone speaks of infinite power and wisdom and knowledge.. He is everywhere and knows all.. He is not limited by science as He created the

laws that govern it.. hence He is supernatural, outside of nature.. you have to be outside or separate from something to create it.. which is why I think it is funny when many Christians try and prove, or atheists try to disprove God by laws of science since He is beyond any and all of them.. The bible calls Him the alpha and omega.. the beginning and the end.. meaning He is eternal.. these are

some of His attributes.. but they dont necessarily speak as to who He is.. more what He is.. so I will speak of His character.. He is perfect, without flaw.. which is why sin is such an outrage to Him.. Being Just He has to punish sin.. the bible says He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished.. at the same time He is merciful.. and does not want to punish us.. the bible says God is Love..

These parts of His character are revealed over and over throughout scripture.. I dont know if this answers your question.. but its at least a spring board..

April 9, 2004

hi & thanks fer yer notes. my perspective of god is just as simple as this; god is your mother,father,brother,sister,neighbor.(& should be respected as such) I believe that there is not 1 single entity who looks over us and keeps us from harms way. We are born from (the womb)making us able to create and so on. Those who have passed on look over us,guide us & so on. I believe also that.cont

April 9, 2004

when our bodies die our spirit leaves our bodies to become born again to breathe life (a continuous cycle) for eternity.I also believe that after our flesh dies the spirt continues its journey as energy untill it is reborn as flesh & blood.My opinion about what Jesus stood for is that he tried to teach us to think good,be good,do good, praise all who are good and to worship each another as gods.

April 9, 2004

worship not meaning to pray to but meaning to value,cherish,love unconditionally. peace,

the modern era seemed to be the great flower of this tree; thus now we all must work to set seed for the new season, whether we are birds eating and dispersing them or –> gardeners collecting and planting them (–>)