Love Faith(the 4faithsCont.)

(((continuation of last entry)))


This truly is the message of Christ in my opinion. To love your neighbor as your self. To do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


What I want to talk about is this fourth type, the faith for those of you who are not easily frightened by preachers, have doubt about afterlife reward, (or instant karma), and you just don’t have that sense of duty that is strong enough to overcome the inertia of moving nowhere spiritually.


What does god look like from love based faith? To me it goes back to my core assumptions about the divine. That she is Infinitely: Compassionate, forgiving, knowing, forgiving, available, forgiving, and present.


So if god is infinitely forgiving it destroys fear and reward. For if we are all forgiven then there is nothing to fear and likewise there is no special reward ether.

There is no scientific proof of god,  and theosophical ones always leave something wanting. Yet being no proof is a blessing. Now we can be forgiven, because we truly do not know. All faiths must be taken on faith, all religions must be taken on faith, all moral codes besides the on built in to your being have to be taken on Faith. So your faith will save you. The fact that it is needed saves us all. For how can an infinitely forgiving god hold you accountable for that which you do not know.  Ok fine but that seems to relinquish the need for anyone to behave…

Yes and no, we are all children of god, and like children we don’t always understand the purpose behind the rules. But your mother does not warn you not to touch the stove because she is trying to deny you anything; she is trying to protect you. But in terms of god he give all sorts of warnings (felt as a conscience, holy spirit, etc.) yet also gave us free will. Because god in his infinite wisdom gave us free will. God understands that her children may in fact need some pain to grow. A little kick in the pants to get us moving again.

There are great lessons in pain, great joy in it as well, (see Tao Teh Ching #13) .

People who live violently die violently. It is usually a sin that ends up killing us.

And if your path crosses with the sins of others and caused you pain, it is a calling to bear witness to the suffering of Christ, to turn the other cheek, be a self-sacrificing martyr with no wish for recognition or reward. For by forgiving those who trespass against you, you experience in a small way the penetrating love of the forgiveness of god. And that will increase the happiness in your life. Suffer gladly. This does not meen be a masochist, but accept your pain and learn and grow from it and find its source so you can grow from it. Let your pain…  heheheh, life is sh!t but sh!t is needed to make fertile grounds for the good crops to grow.


So the commandments are really recommendation to live a happy and fulfilling life.

Breaking a commandment causes pain in your life as surely as touching a hot stove. Yet eventually we learn, and even began to trust commandments and stop burning them selves.

and I say unto you “no soul shall enter the kingdom of heaven that has never been burnt by a hot stove”

Blessed are the rule breakers for theirs is the true understanding of the nature and purpose of rules.

Yet the path of sin is a hard one. That is why it is sin. Sin takes away from the happiness of your life NOW. And an infinitely loving god wants all children to be happy and free.


With love,


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and this one too… u took the idea from my entry. i know u did. lil thief. *lolz* jk. isabel

March 28, 2004

RYN: Hey, you’re most certainly welcome 🙂

ryn: Wow, how cool! I’m guessing you mean Alma from the scriptures, right? lol.

very nicely written. you really seem to have a lot of insight into your own spirituality. hold on to that.

March 29, 2004

RYN: Thank you for the note, although I don’t think I mentioned it in my entry, I think sometimes being exposed can be benificial. Its a matter of when to expose your beliefs and for what purpose.

here is something to think about. i have a problem with heaven and hell. i don’t want to go to heaven knowing other people are in hell, i don’t care what they did, no one deserves to be in pain etc. for eternity, that is way too much time. no one deserves to be stuck in the same place, even if it is heaven, even if it has no boundaries the idea makes me chlostrophobic.

and if there are only two choices–heaven and hell– what kind of “free will choice” is THAT? obviously i’ve been forced, since the day i was born, to follow the opposite wills of god and the devil, they aren’t nice people, otherwise they would be able to get along with each other, instead of getting into these petty little power struggles

hey thanks for your note i appreciate it. i actually haven’t read the bible so i couldn’t really relate to to that but thanks anywho. and OMG you think god is a she that is so awesome. rock on.

Very powerful stuff…I think Jesus’ message was simple as you put it – love each other, don’t cause harm, etc. However, I do not believe he is the man that everyone says he is to be (esp. with the Born-agains). I don’t think he is meant to be worshipped as a God, but rather, respected as a man who taught strong and solid lessons in a time where nothing was peaceful.

Thanks for the note. I appreciate feedback I have recently taken an interest in spirituality myself. xoxox

Thanks for the note. I do appreciate it. I think we define our words a little differently, but we’d probably come to the same conclusion.

March 30, 2004

Thank you for your insightful and though energizing entries.

ryn: hi to you too. you have a really profound diary…i have enjoyed what i have read so far…

hey i know this is kinda unfair of me cuz i just scan thru your diary, see the word christ, and start asking but okay listen: how come people use a bible as a reason for not wanting gay marriage? Because it also says shellfish are forbidden too! So, could you please explain this to me? I really wan to understand it!

March 31, 2004

im not sure if mine would be considerd “good religious thoguht” most would be offended by how i percieve religions in general. i dont shamelessly bash, i bring up questions which need real answers but instead are given:” its in the bible” no real answers… but it doesnt focus primarily on Christianity, it could be any. BUT feel free to browse

so how can the constitution be about to get ammended banning gay marriage if it is only as bad as eating a cheeseburger??

April 1, 2004

thank you for the smiley…it’s much appreciated…I had a hard day!

I just read the note you sent me. Thanx. =O) And I am doing much better. I am once again trying to surrender my life to God and it’s really helping. He’s been making me very happy. =O)

Holy Crap you get a lot of notes.. umm.. in response to yours.. I do like to talk about God… but talking only takes you so far.. WSU? as in washington state university? intriguing..

April 2, 2004

hi! *lol*

April 2, 2004

RYN: Yes he truly is … and I really need him right now …

thankyou for the note….this entry of yours was touching….and it was somthing I was dwelling on earlier…I once had no faith….and it took alot of being burnt by the stove for me to relize I needed something else in life…I know Im not perfect but my love for the lord is as perfect as I can give it now. I’m grateful for my burns…it made me who I am today.Take care and God bless.

April 2, 2004

wow! That’s all I have to say. Your journal is very insightful and I am looking forward to reading more of it. Yes I LOVE God. And I know someone else you could talk to, katwoman. She would really enjoy your journal. Thanks for posting that note and letting me into your journal.

April 2, 2004

there IS scientific proof of God. I work for my family’s ministry, and I cannot begin to tell you all the miracles and healings that’ve been documented. My co-worker was healed of kidney blockage. so many people have medical reports that doctors can’t explain. there was even a man who was raised from the dead. sounds creepy, but if Jesus did it, then why can’t we? He has given us all authority

April 2, 2004

…in Heaven and Earth. thanks for the note, by the way! nice to hear you’re addicted to Jesus too! awesome. †

Why the heck do you quote Mohammed?

April 3, 2004

i like your diaryjust a question thoughdont you think people make the whole jesus thing too hardi mean its a simple thing right?so why does everyone have to argue over things?:) smiles…waves

April 23, 2004

ryn: i agree that if one is saved, one need not fear hell, crave rewards, or move primarily on a sense of duty – for God is love, and perfect love casts out all fear, is not selfish, and is freely given without condition. but that does not diminish the truth that hell exists, and we as Christians should still be aware of and teach it, for we are converting ppl to save them from the place, after..

April 23, 2004

all. love indeed conquers all and never fails, but that does not mean we ignore everything else. thanks for the note; GB ya 🙂 ~JJ