my friend in the desert



He who pursues the road of knowledge, god will direct to the road of paradise… the brightness of a learned man compared to a mere worshiper is like that of the full moon compared to all the stars… obtain knowledge; its possessor can distinguish right from wrong; it shows the way to heaven; it befriends us in the desert and in solitude, and when we are friendless; it is our guide to happiness it gives us strength in misery; it is an ornament to friends, protection against enemies… the scholars ink is holier then the martyr’s blood… seeking knowledge is required of every Muslim…


~words of the Prophet Muhammad


i found this in the art musium, there was an exibit on Afganistan. a real blast from the past you know, reminded me a lot of my time in Pakistan.


with love,


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nice. thats cool that uve been to pakistan. how was it? i dread the fact that i think its like a million degrees. id probably die of heat stroke. ryn: thank you. isabel

March 25, 2004


March 25, 2004

Good entry. I love that you show that we are not really different from christian and muslim. Brother on the same path and fighting about weather the left side or the right side of the path is better.