Be Careful

Lingyuan said:

Learners must be careful about what they take up and what they leave aside; they cannot be unthinking in what they say and do.

People of few words are not necessarily fools; glib people are not necessarily wise. Rustic, simple people are not necessarily unreasonable or rebellious; those who are servile and obedient are not necessarily loyal and true.

Therefore a teacher does not understand peoples states on the basis of words, and does not select students on the basis of ideas.

Who among the mendicants in the world does not want to seek enlightenment? Yet those who are enlightened and see reality are hardly one out of a hundred or a thousand. Even those who are cultivating themselves and diligently practicing, storing learning and planting virtue, need thirty years to accomplish it. If there happens to be one thing wrong and the community reject you, then you can never be established in all your life.

Even jewels that light the way for a chariot cannot be flawless, even a gem worth many cities cannot be free from defect. How can there be no faults in ordinary beings with feelings? Even Confucius, who was a sage, still said he studied the Book of Changes for fifty years before he became free from gross errors.

A scripture says, “Do not fear the arising of thoughts just beware of being slow to become aware of it.” How fitting this is—for who since the sages has ever been free from error?

It is a matter of one who really knows developing it completely—then the being is not wasted. So it is said, “skillful carving is a function of following curves and angles; whether crooked or straight, there is  no wasted material. Good riding is in the proper way of meeting situations of danger and ease; neither the slow nor the swift lose their nature.”

Since things and animals are like this, so schooled people be. If you follow sentiments of like and dislike in your actions, leave those who are different form you and join those who are like you, this is due to laying out curves and lines without sting and marker, or assessing weight without a balance. Although you many have a fine touch, you cannot be entirely free from error.




the Book of Changes is the Tao Te Ching. This is talking of the travels in the desert; Abram was 100 before he became Abraham and fathered nations. Mosses spent 40 years wandering in the desert, even Christ disappeared from society for a decade.

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March 11, 2004

Couldn’t help but notice this note you left on my2bronii’s diary: “i have long asserted that athism is a Faith. but they are all so wraped up in the notion that they are being logical. silly confused little minds. how can you treet god ratioanly it is beyond human comprehention.” I’m sorry, but that all makes YOU sound silly and confused.

March 11, 2004

The best theory I’ve heard is that christ studied in the east for that missing decade. There is certainly the touch of eastern philosphy in his teachings.

March 12, 2004

I am looking for good writers like you to help me with my diary. When we build walls that will not wash away in the sea we build walls keeping our narrowness in the box and other who could help us see out.

March 12, 2004

isn’t that the theory, that Jesus studied in the far east during part of his childhood, or something of the like? another one of the many things i have to look into. ~

Thanks for your note.

March 12, 2004

RYN: I have no more faith that God doesn’t exist than I do that inivisible pink unicorns don’t fly around in the atmosphere. Ideas or concepts that are beyond rational discussion by definition are absurd and don’t warrant any amount of belief or any amount of faith.

March 12, 2004

wowwie..thats cool…thanks for checkin out my diary! thanks for leave’n a note also… God Bless You Natalie Nicole

March 13, 2004

I responded to your recent notes in an entry of mine. Enjoy.

March 15, 2004

interesting, and regarding your note askin gif i find happiness with my spirituality, yes i do, moreso than ever before. and when my world gets rocked by tragedy and drama it’s comforting and it helps me get through, i’m very pleased with it.


lol hey- thanks for the note -later