God in math

God in math,  I don’t know, I think so…

Here are some reasons.


The mathematical formalism of field theory suggests that [events] can be interpreted in two ways; either as positrons moving forward in time, or as electrons moving backward in time! The interpretations are mathematically identical ( The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra pg169)



The combined effects of quantum and relativity theory make it impossible to localize an interaction between definite particles precisely (extended Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle). Due to the uncertainty principle, the uncertainty of a particle’s velocity will increase as its region of interaction is localized more sharply, and consequently the amount of its kinetic energy will be increasingly uncertain. Eventually this energy will become large enough for new particles to be created, in accordance with relativity theory, and then one can no longer be certain of dealings with the original reaction. Therefore, in a theory which combines both quantum and relativity theories, it is not possible to specify the position of individual particles precisely. If this is done, as in field theory, one has to put up with mathematical inconsistencies which are, indeed, the main problems in all quantum field theories. (pg 252)


— I am going to reword this, first because it is really cool and there is a lot in there secondly I don’t think most people can understand what is being said, third I am not even sure how well I typed it:  So, what this said to me was; When you start trying to put together two systems that seem to work well in their own areas but break down in others, each is a complete truth in itself, yet they contradict each other. Much like two religions can contradict each other but are still a truth from god. (Just another aspect of god)

in Physics the dynamic is played out with the stories of Quantum Reality and Relativistic Reality, quantum works really well for the very small, Relativity works well for the really fast and the really big. You know the whole Yin Yang thing, the explicit meet the implicit the inside meets the outside, white becomes black, black becomes white thing. Or to say it Judeo/Christian: Eccles 3:1-8 … “to every thing there is a season…”

they work well in there own parameters, as religions work well in the Culture that created them. However they clash, but it is in this clash that we see the lingering effects of creation and the residue of GOD. Because of the Uncertainty of the Location, and Velocity of a particle, it makes it impossible to know its momentum thus know its total energy {you remember E= (mc2 + kinetic energy) and all} in light of this it is possible and in fact it does occur that mass/energy is in fact created and destroyed all the time, the trick is it just needs to happen fast enough. That is, this ‘Virtual Particle’ (to use the physics terms) pops out of nowhere from nothing interacts with other partials then returns to nothing.  This is Creation happening NOW!  News flash! This just in, God is still creating the universe in his image.  This is, in more scientific speech (in the realm of psydo-science here but lets go New Wave)  God, the underlying implicit order to the chaos of all creations, god, who is described by the mathematical intersection of Probability and Possibility. This underlying order miraculously defies its own laws to effect change on this world. So what does this mean to you, well here is the Gospel, here is the GOOD NEWS. These partials are affected by Intention, that’s right they ‘listen’ to what is in you heart and seem to behave as you expect them too. Or in Christian speak… the POWER OF PRAYR. This system provides insights to free will as well, in this system it is impossible to know what any individual particle is going to do, where it is going to go, or what. I mean it a proton can spontaneously decide its wants to emit a pion (and do it) can either reabsorb it or it can be reabsorbed by another particle it is all willy nilly Ultimate free will, any particle can do anything. Yet the partials are arranged is such a way that they form together a consistent whole that makes up the atoms that makes up the molecules that makes up the polymers that make the Period key on the keyboard with I will hit NOW.  See there it was. Oh, there it was again. what I am saying is… it is consistent. Free Will taken as a whole behaves predictably. In the same manner we have free will in our lives but the sum of us and our free will makes the predictable (and dare I say Perfect) plan of God.


With much love for all life

Your loving brother,


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March 7, 2004

ryn: Yes, that’s exactly how it is! I couldn’t predict the future at will, but sometimes, something important pops up, and I just know. I should come back and read this entry when I’m a little less tired and more coherent. A friend of mine has studied some quantum physics, and from what he’s told me, it’s amazing how well it complements religious belief.

March 8, 2004

I’m sure your right and I think its really cool that you are and intelectual and still believe I would read your entire entry but its to long

March 8, 2004

my brain explodes when i read you. i like that. 🙂

March 8, 2004

Miracle is spelled the way I do, not the way you do. And ryn: I know they didn’t break Jesus’ legs. It goes back to Exodus’ story of the Paschal lamb- “not of bone of it shall be broken.” Jesus, being the new sacrificial lamb, according to the Bible, had to stay intact, too. So, as you can tell, I already have “thought about that” quite a bit. But thanks anyway.

RYN: I thought you had meant we lost the original text altogether, not the signature documents. Any scholar of ancient literature would be ecstatic to have a third person writing.

March 8, 2004

Ok, I had to re-read that at least 3 times before parts of it started sinking in. A lot of it makes sense when you explain things that way. In fact you had be until the “power of prayer” 😉 That’s something I’m still working on trying to figure out and believe in.

March 10, 2004

interesting- i like the relationship you delineate. do you believe in predestination (out of curiousity)? ~

ka, well, I got a little bored and didn’t read it all, but RELIGIONS DON’T WORK WITHIN THEMSELVES. The Christian religion, being based on the views of way too many people, is full of contradictions. I don’t know if there are contradictions in any other religions because I don’t know much about them, but it only takes one exception to make the theory wrong.

March 12, 2004

The moon was chasing the sun. Each had felt its work well done. The sun felt her work was better than all the rest. Then it was set to a earth warming test. Things changed, most died then nothing was left to be supplied. The ying and the yang both belong to make the whole thing not go wrong. And this my wise partner is the end of my song. In other words both theorys have their place.

May 3, 2004

I read this entry quite closely and it makes sense to me and got me thinking. I was reminded of studies that have been done in meditation upon water. A bowl of water was meditated upon with good thoughts and blessed; another was cursed and had neg. thoughts focused upon it. The water was then frozen and the molecules were looked at w/ microscopes, revealing very different structures in each group.