The Spiritualty of Science

Who will the next great religious figure be,



Science has become more powerful and is the only growing body of knowledge of where we came from what will happen and why.


But if science is doing that what does that leave us with.  Pragmatic? To say the least.


What does science take away, faith, no It just requires faith in the scientific process.


It handles very heady issues, Time, Space, Relativity, Atomic Physics.


I like how the New Physics are coming to the same conclusions of the ancient mystics of the east. They seem to have been able to intuit the truth over 6000 years ago.


Science answers all the whys one by one. Taking the Miracles out

But if you can explain how a Miracles happens make it less of a Miracles,

What about the Miracles of a pharimisudical that saves lives. The Miracles of Elecricity,

The Miracles of medicine.


I really want to read the book, “A Course in Miracles”


But Einstein clamed he was an Atheist who read the bible all the time. The was a Zionist who warned about religions. To Quote Einstein “the Only truly religious people left at the Scientists”


An interesting argument.


But this is from the point of view of a scientist.  It makes sence you see. God is in everything. So if you put your focus and attention on anything you will see the workings of God. Be it Physics, Biology, Theology, or just a real close look at ones self.


I have a preference to the latter.



With love to all,




Mnnn, lin chi “killing the buddah (check it out for later kit)


Next time,

With love,


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