Waiting For My Beatings

I have been a horrible diarist and have not written in a long time. I am ready for my beatings now.
I don’t have a good excuse either Though last time I tried I could not get on OD for like 2 days. Anyway, I have not been doing too much. Played some more cyberpunk I turned the story over to Billy so my character has been going through a lot of shit lately. He has problem with the power of my character. He thinks I have too many tens. I am going to make a new character then he’ll kill my character in front of Matt in some horrible way to freak him out lol.

I started making Lucas’s mom a scrapbook for Christmas. I think it is coming out well so far. I have done only 2 pages both sides though. I need to wait until I get paid to get more stickers and cool stuff though. Still probably won’t have money to properly work on it until November. I owe mad rent and I have to pay Alon 60 for my NIN ticket. I was going to pay him on the day of the show but he is trying to get tickets straightened out so he can get his license back and without that none of us can go to the show as it’s in Boston.
What else. Kam and Roger hate each other Roger says Kam is not allowed in the house I rule we break as frequently as possible. Roger caught Kam the other night though and he bitched at Kam and Kam said he wasn’t going to discuss it with Roger because he doesn’t speak to racists. So Roger who already hated Kam is furious that Kam called him a racist and of course I as usually get to hear the bitching from both sides.I mean I’m 27 I think I have a right to choose who comes over and who doesn’t. I’m too old to sneak people into my house but here I am doing it all over again.
Let’s see what else. UM…Matt has a show coming up in Orange at the Corner pocket if anyone In Connecticut happens to read this. Both his bands are playing there the same night. lol. That is on Oct 22nd. I am supposed to have the night off let’s hope I do. Still no luck catching the rat. It chewed a hole in the bottom of my only purse too so now I’d really much rather kill it than catch it anyway. I may just get a rat trap. Stupid fuckin animal. What I want to know is why my cat’s have not gotten it yet. Isn’t that what cats are supposed to do. Isn’t it why they exist? GRR!
Oh by the way, since I am so poor and have no food in my house except Ramen and rice we ate lunch and dinner at the soup kitchen. Homeless people eat better than me. What is up with that?
Well I’m going to go. Jesse and I are trying to figure out how we can get my computer to mount his. So Bye Y’all. I promise I will note all of you tomorrow.

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October 1, 2005

What did I tell you about rats and bats? Hmmmmm? THEY’RE EVIL!!! See, this one already chewed a hole in your purse, what’s next????

October 1, 2005

tyftn! Being poor sucks monkey balls…. and yea what is up with that?? Homeless ppl totally eat better than me too!! I’ve been there… usually pretty good food, although you usually have to listen to the Jesus speal and thats a bit annoying but hey! its worth it to eat I suppose!

October 1, 2005

ryn: thanks!! Thats about the range I was thinking of… Phx is a pretty rich town so mabye a bit more!

October 2, 2005


October 3, 2005

hey, you sound busy to me. your life sounds frustrating with the sneaking and the fighting. haha, sorry. good luck!