Cyberpunk 2020

Ok. I think I may have over complicated my game a lil. I added a bit too much into my research. Most of it will end up being left out I think. So as to where we are now. Um…let’s see.
The night of the concert Maverick met Simone Vega, the spokes model for Dream Corp. He also met the other band that was playing, Smash and Spew. Smash and Spew is a hard core band with a hot female lead singer. (Think Arch Enemy) He invited Simone and the band to his after party at the warehouse. We had it all fixed up and bought furniture for it. (I don’t think that I mentioned yet that we have Doug, the leader of the booster gang we killed, and Kittie, Maverick’s cheating ex, tied up in said warehouse. We moved them up to the third floor added dead bolts an covered up the stairwell with a huge board with a couch in front of it.) Maverick took a drink from someone at the party. It was drugged. He ended up in an orgy with 5 models, one of whom was male. lol.
Day 2~ Tabloids got ahold of some pictures from the party. One has the headline Maverick’s drunken orgy.The other one featured a pic of Illom. (He has LOW attractiveness and wears the faceplate with a hooded cloak and all black so he looks pretty weird.) So the tabloid took a pic of him and colored his eyes red. The headline read Devil in Night City? Maverick received a couple calls from Tyler. (The male Model) After he answered the 1st one and figured out who Tyler is he refused to answer his phone. lol.So everyone woke kind of late the day after the party. Maverick received a package that day. It was a shoe box. He opened it and inside was a dead bird. It’s neck was broken. Pinned to the bird was a haiku. It said. “love is a red bird, lying broken and mangled, in the dust of life.” We were all just kinda of bumming around the warehouse nursing hangovers and discussing the bird when his drummer called. His drummer said that when he got home he had found a dead bunny nailed to the door of their new apartment..It was also accompanied by a haiku. I don’t remember the haiku on that one. (Something stupid as I didn’t have any haiku’s written off hand that went with dead animals except the bird one) Maverick called his friends on the police force. They came and picked up the bird and the rabbit and said they’d get back to him. They said it would take at least 2 weeks. Maverick got a call from Simone and went out on a date with her. Ilom meanwhile had been setting up security on the warehouse with the prisoners. He hacked some random thing I don’t even remember what it was now. Simone left Maverick at the night owl. He stayed there for a couple hours after she left. When he got home he found a headless dog on his doorstep with another Haiku. He tried to talk to the drummer about it but the drummer was in the middle of something with a groupie. Maverick was not happy about being ignored so he picked up the dog and threw it at the foot of the drummers bed. The groupie screamed and ran out. The drummer than threw the dog on Maverick’s bed. They argued a bit. Maverick called his police buddies again and they came and got the dog. The haiku that was nailed to that one read. “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. One. Two. I’m coming for you” Maverick then called Illom. Illom came and set up camera’s for Maverick. (Though in all fairness the cameras where more for him. Ilom is fascinated with the warehouse building next door to Mavericks. It’s windows are all blacked out and then are two black hummers parked next to it. On the roof is a landing pad for a helicopter.) He aimed a camera at the door of that warehouse and put a couple others up for Maverick. Maverick called Mr Big and Mr. Big sent over a couple of bodyguards for him.
Day 3~ Both Maverick and Illom went to bed really late Between 9 and noon sometime. So they slept til around 4 I think. Maverick woke up because his phone was ringing. It was Lynx. She came over and brought him drugs. She mentioned that Smash and Spew was playing that night. She gave him a pit ticket. Maverick went and got a new bed to replace the bloody one. Ilom worked on the warehouse some more. (Ie…Installed motion sensors and alarm systems. Moved the security room. Tended to the prisoners.) He noticed that Kittie was having some convulsions. (She was going through with drawl. He called Lynx. She suggested that he give her some Morphazine,) He gave Kittie some of that and some speedheal. Maverick went to the liquor store. He wanted to stock up on beer and alcohol for an after party at his place. While he was there 4 15 year old kids held up the liquor store. Maverick mouthed off a bit and got hit in the head with one of the machine guns. He was knocked unconscious by the blow and came to when the store owner put smelling salts under his nose. Maverick bought his liquor and set up his bar and bedroom set. He hung out and chilled for a bit then left for the show. When he got there he looked for Lynx but did not see her. So he wandered backstage. He was trying to mack it to Oriela, the hot lead singer of Smash and Spew. Simone walked up and tried to put her arm around Maverick who shook her off. He told Oriela to come to the after party at his new place. Then he went to the pit to meet his sister. (He had called her and asked her to come because she runs a guardian gang and he wanted her to look into the dead animals and see what she knew about the kids on the Bmxs. He found out from Lynx that they were a local go/party gang.) Smash and Spew came on. During the 5th song a riot broke out in the pit between to local gangs. Maverick’s sister and some members of her gang surrounded Maverick and ushered him out of the pit. They went backstage and escaped out the back with Smash and Spew.They hung around and watched the action for awhile. Then Maverick left Smash and Spew to go make sure everything was set at his place. Ilom arrived late and was not in the pit when the fight broke out He was in the isle near the back so he left and ran into Lynx out front. They watched the police take people and bodies out of the club. A man came up to Lynx and asked to speak to her. She told Illom she’d meet up with him at the party and Illom headed to Mavericks place. At the party Maverick gives Simone the brush off. She was sitting on his lap when Oriela walked in and Maverick just stood up dumping Simone on the floor. Ilom saw that and approached Lynx. He asked for a variety of drugs just a little of whatever she may have had with her. She gave him some and he approached Simone. He then dropped all the drugs and the floor next to her and told her it would be ok. She went through and injected some drugs with her air hypo. I forgot everything she did but some tranquilizers and some angel. Simone was drinking as well and in no time at all she was all snuggled up to Illom. Illom started asking her some questions like how did u get here and what kind of car do you drive. After a few minutes he excused himself and called his police friend, Strawberry. He had Strawberry put a boot on Simone’s car and drop off the tool to take the boot off. Illom stashed the tool in his tech bag and went back to playing with Simone.
Oriela did a shit load of black lace. Maverick then invited her into his studio to listen to his new track, She agreed. Once in the studio though she attacked Maverick. She asked him if he liked her presents when he said yes she jumped on him and ripped his clothes in half. She then started having sex with him but she was punching and scratching him during it. Then she strangled him and he blacked out. When Maverick came too it was about 3 hours later and Oriela was gone. He limped downstairs. (He has bruises on like 30% of his body) Lynx and Illom were in the living room doing drugs with the drummer. They all laughed at maverick. Lynx gave him some tranqs and he took a two hour bath. lol. Lynx left to get everyone breakfast. Illom asked for 2 meals. When she returned Simone had regained consciousness and was all snuggled up to Illom. Illom gave her one of the breakfasts. She ate it and then went upstairs for a few minutes. She came down a bit later in new clothes. She said she had a photo shoot then left after giving Illom her #. Illom waited like 90 seconds then left to. He “rescued ” Simone from the vile boot and she left for her shoot. Everyone made it to bed around noon.
Day 4~ Everyone got up pretty late. Oriella called Maverick and invited him drinking at the Metalstorm. He excepted then called Lynx begging for speedheal and tranqs. Lynx ran the drugs by, Illom built his data fortress. As Maverick approached the metal storm he noticed Orilea being taken away in an ambulance. He was not allowed to see her and the Dr just said that she had an operation but she was fine. However, it would be awhile before she was allowed visitors. In an attempt to find out what had happened to her Maverick called Illom and asked him to view the security cameras at the metal storm. Illom hacked in and copied the video. Illom and Maverick met up at the night owl and Illom showed Maverick the footage which showed Oriela freak out when some drunk guy bumped her chair. (She had been drinking and made several trips to the bathroom) She shot the guy and a fire fight ensued between her friends and the guys friends. He bartender knocked Oriela out with a Heavy bottle. The police arrived and arrested 2 (of 4. One died and one escaped before police arrived.) of the dead guys friends and Oriela’s friend. (Her other friend was killed in the fight) Illom offers to make the tape disappear for Maverick who says he needs to think about it.
Day 5~ Mavrick finds out that the police chief (who has ties to Dream Corp) is handling the case personally. He then finds out about the lawyers that will be representing Oriela in the case. Since they are so pricey and well known for being brutal and almost always wining their cases Maverick decided not to worry about the legal end of things for her. Maverick goes to visit Oriela and finds out that she had gone into cyber psychosis and the surgery was to remove her cyber parts and insert the behavior mod chip. He visits her but she does not regain consciousness while he was there. He went to the gift shop and bought her a stuffed dog then He cut the head off it and placed it in her room.
So that is it for now. We supposed to play again in an hour or two. Still have no idea where this all is going. lol.

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August 18, 2005


Somebodys all wrapped up in this….wondered why I hadn’t been noted in awhile. lol

August 18, 2005

Wow,what a long entry. I need a breather,lol. U should have broken that up into pharagraphs:D.