A Rapping at my Chamber Door

Yesterday I went to face the music. Sort of. I showed up at work all prepared to give my story about how Lucas beats me (he doesn’t actually, btw) and the reason I had not shown up for work in 6 days was because I had to pack all my things and move them out and store them at different people’s houses around Ct. because I can’t afford a storage place. The person I first bumped into when I walked through the door was my manager. I let her know I was available when she needed to see me. Then I saw Sam the union Stewart and told him I would be needing his services. Then my manager never got me. I’m sure she will today though.
I went to bed at midnight only to be woken by loud banging on my door at 2;30 AM. I stumble to the back door and I find Kam and Mitch. Mitch I have not seen in live 4 years and Kam is the friend I wrote about in the down in the park entry. Anyway they were both semi drunk and loud! Luckily I don’t seem to have woken any of my neighbors though I do not have too many at the moment. I chatted with them until 3:40 then I went back to bed but I could not sleep. I finally feel asleep at like 5 then my alarm went of at 5:30 so I could wake Kam and Mitch up. (They passed out on my roof.) Kam had to head to labor ready and Mitch has another 5 months as an impatient in a rehab center. I woke Kam up then went back to bed.
When I woke a little after 9 one of my arms was entirely asleep. Stupid arm. I went to check and Kam and Mitch had gone. Mitch said he’s write to me from rehab and I told him I’d write back. Being locked up get’s pretty suck. Especially if it’s far away from all your friends.
I am having trouble with Halo as it won’t start. I’m going to bring the computer in to be checked today and hopefully I will get it all squared away. Bye for now.

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August 12, 2005

Did I pass inspection? Hey, she said we wouldn’t get along… lol. I’ll be the judge of that…

August 12, 2005

ohh boo hoo, 5 days of non noting, but you’ve only written two entries or so. And I’ve been reading…just a lame noter lately.

You are added. ^^ Enjoy.

August 19, 2005

thanks for the note…sheesh!!! astrix knows everybody!!!!!