More Stuff About Me

What are you going to do next?: After this survey, I think I’ll play halo! YAY new games!

What is your favourite quote?: “Work like you don’t need the money, love like you’ve never been hurt, and dance like nobody’s watching.”

Name 2 people you want to thank for their friendship: Billy and Matt.

Have you ever considered a religious school?: No.

What is the thing you are most proud of?: Getting Published, even if it was just

Is the glass half full or half empty?: Just a half glass.

If you could have two things given to you to keep for the rest of your life what would they be?: House, and financial independence.

Who’s yo daddy?: John Wheeler 111

What’s your favourite team?: 49ers

Who has been there for you always?: Me.

If you had a million dollars to spend on anything you wanted, what would you buy?: I think I already answered a very similar quesstion. A house first than toys!

Do you prefer cocoa puffs, pebbles, flakes, or krispies?: Rice Chex

What is the worst quality a person can have?: The inability to think before you speak.

Would you die for a friend?: Yes.

What song is totally perfect for having sex?: Closer by NIN.

What’s your secret guilty pleasure?: Roleplaying.

Who is one gay person that needs to turn straight and hook up with you?: Lucas.

What’s one dream that you can remember?: I was just a kid when I had this dream. In it I was looking for a present for my grandmother. I had decided to buy her a strawberry shortcake doll. I went into the store in the afternoon and when it came out it was night and my parents were gone. I was alone in New Haven, and scared.
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? 10 trees.
How much money would you have to be given before you would shave your head? $1,000.
What do you treasure most in life?: My loved ones.

If you would describe yourself as one Scooby Doo character, who would it be?: Velma

If you were able to spend an hour with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be and what would you say?: Too hard. Too many people and too much to say.

What is the most valuable life lesson you’ve learned? This to shall pass.

If you could change the world somehow, what would you do?: Less people better ideas.

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August 9, 2005

To get OD plus, you must either pay for it, or get in really good with Asterix. Which, I recommend anyway because she is awesome! If you go to her diary, say that you found her through me, and you’re interested in knowing her, she’ll probably add you to her faves. Then, if you two become good friends, or you help her out, she may give you a free six month OD+ sub. But I wouldn’t want you to (cont)

August 9, 2005

be friends with her just to get the subscription. That’s just an added plus to knowing and loving Kristin.

August 9, 2005

Oh yes! I almost forgot that you join us in the are you fake crusade…

August 10, 2005

Added you!

August 11, 2005

Arrgg! You diary is fuh-reaking me out. It’s all….sparkly and backwards. Anyway, thanks for the notes. I like to think of myself as a nice little break from the death poetry and the OMGness of other diaries. And yes…. Conan. Shhhh. *hangs head in shame*

August 11, 2005

OMG I LOVE Closer by NIN!!! You’re right, it IS a good song to have sex to…hmmmm, will have to find someone to have sex with now…