Further Clarification

It’s not the fact that it’s not there that I was trying to get too. You shouldn’t ever have to justify yourself to me, I’m not worth the time. But it’s just the fact that there is soemthing good in everyone which should cover the bad, or I don’t think there is hope for anyone. I just think it’s a consintration on the wrong thing if you focus on the ugly rather than the bad
I am going to assume you mean rather than the good there.
It seems that after the last entry you may have the wrong idea about my friends so now I will point out just a few of their good qualities. I can’t get into all of them because there is a 30,00 character limit.
I wasn’t justifying myself I was clarifying my statement. Obviously I don’t concentrateon the bad or I wouldn’t be friends with the people I am. I love all my friends. They have things that make them special.
1. She is my best friend. Writes poetry like you wouldn’t believe. Is the most talented writer I know. Plus she is the only other girl I know who can drink as much as me. We like the same kind of books and movies. She came to see me in the hospital when I tried to kill myself even though she had never met me before.
2. He is very sweet, kind, considerate. A good father. Smartest person I know maybe. Though Aija and Lucas may be as smart. Hard to gauge. He writes program. He’s working on designing his own videogame.
3. He is smart too. Smarter than me. Talented at music and can whip my ass almost everytime at any videogame. Plus he makes me laugh. ALOT.
4. Talented musician. He may even make it. He is nice and generous and took me in when I was homeless on more than 1 occasion. Now that’s a friend.
5. He is smart too and pays attention to what’s going on in the world. He is the hardest working person I know. He likes to watch kung fu with me.
Plus he always knows the latest conspiracy theories and all about the aliens.
6. He is a talented artist and a wonderful father. He’s funny and he has a mohawk. Kick ass.
So there.

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How sweet!I’m sure they appreciate you buying minutes for them.3 1/2 minutes isn’t that long.Were you able to say anything that was significant?Could you take a day off of work to see them?Or maybe give them the money to visit you?Does the bus system run on the weekends?Ta ta for now. Akasha