A Game of Me

1. Where did your Diary name come from, how did you pick it and what does it mean to you?
It is the name of one of the books in the Sandman series. I choose it for a diary name because I am feeling a little lost right now. I’m not sure where I am headed or even what it is I want to get out of life. All I know is this is not it. I am hoping that this feeling, like the seasons, will pass. In the meantime I will keep wandering around lost looking for the street signs to happiness. If such a place exists.

2. Do you believe that there is one person for everyone, “soul mates” or do you believe that love is what you make of it?
Love is what you make of it. It’s hard work and both partners must be equally invested ir it will never work.

3. Who is the most beautiful person you know (not necessarily physical beauty) and what makes them beautiful?
I know a lot of physically beautiful people, but inside I think we are all broken and ugly.

4. What do you fear above all else?
That I will never pull it together. That no matter I go or who I’m with I will always feel lonely.

5.If you could change one thing about someone you know, what would it be? Why?
I would fix myself first because as long as I am broken I have no hope of fixing anyone else.I can’t really pick one exact thing because there is so much wrong, but I would try to fill this hole I feel inside me first. I always want to fix my friends but I never can and I can’t fix me either.

Now, for anyone who wants to play….the instructions.

1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me!”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions
3. Only respond if you are willing to answer ANY question that is asked of you

4. Update your OD with the answers to the questions.
5. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
6. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

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July 27, 2005

*claps and does the happy dance* people love me!

You are going to want to read the new entry.

Hey it’s cool. My new diary is wingless_angel

You’ve been added.

July 28, 2005

I don’t think we’re ugly insides. True there are things we would rather keep hidden, but that’s not the entire thing. We all have these places of inspiration and beauty. I think you have these places too, so I highly doubt we are all ugly inside. Good luck. (Killing isn’t wrong, it’s just misunderstood)

July 28, 2005

I feel rather brave–interview me! (But, I’m not giving away my PIN number or SS#. LOL)

July 31, 2005

Ahhhh a survey. Im not really a fan of it,lol. Almost close to 100 entry and havent put up a survey in my diary. Maby someday I will put one there. Thats only if I dont have nothing to write about:D.