*Yawn* *Stretch*

It’s early. A lil before 8:30. I’m getting ready to go back to bed for a nap before I go to work. Something about talking to people for 8 hours a day that is very draining. I fully expect to get my written warning today. We’ll see, on that I am guessing. Just gonna go in and keep my head down. Hopefully Bobbeaux will be working. We write notes back and forth. lol. Like being in school again really. I still haven’t begun doing the cyberpunk stuff so maybe I can do that at work today too.
I have yet to make a decision on calling Sarah. Maybe on Friday. Today I’m just tired. Woke up at 6:30 and couldn’t get back to sleep. Now I have had some breakfast, read some entries, and played some videogames, maybe I can get back to sleep. I will write more after work and I figure out a lil more what I’m doing with my life these days.

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Happy Birthday!How young are you now?You’ll be able to talk to them soon.Don’t any one of you have a base line?Isn’t there a bus or something that can take you three to eachother?

For some reason I’m not knowing when you update til you do it alot….hmmmmmm