Apologies and Resolutions

I’d like to apologize to all my wonderful noters for not keeping up on this. I’m afraid I have been feeling rather blah lately and have let everything slide. To bring everyone up to date this entry may be a lil long. I guess I will start at the work front then. I will be unable to move for 2-6 months minimum due to my spotty, at best, attendance. Seems that perhaps I have some growing up to do. I don’t wanna! lol. Eventually this issue will have to be faced. I guess that will be tomorrow as it’s too late for all that today.
Now then onto the home front. I found something out about Lucas that I should have known but choose to turn a blind eye too. Now I have been forced to look at it and face it. It was not pretty and relations between us are strained at best. Now more than ever I wish to be gone from here but I have ruined that for myself. So I must deal with things the way they are.
On the bright side we have started our Cyberpunk game. I helped Billy and Matt make their characters on Friday and we had our first session on Sat morning. It went well I think. Billy’s character is a net runner and he has made a list of questions that his character is researching. So I need to answer the questions and make backgrounds and histories for all these people. *sigh* Is fun but there is a lot of work involved. I have to have that all done by Friday. I have Friday off and we should be playing then. Matt’s GF was supposed to play with us but says she has changed her mind as she forgot drugs were a big part of the game. That is simply the stupidest thing I have ever heard. First of all they are imaginary drugs. Secondly she can make a character that is anti-drug. You can have your character do anything you want.
To be perfectly honest though, I don’t really like Matt’s GF anyway. They have been together a long time though and Matt is my friend so I put up with her, but really. She is annoying and whiny and that kind of person really gets on my nerves. Plus she cares way too much about what other people think of her and has some weird despise worship thing with Aija. Aija went out with Matt 1st and every time they talk Matt is like Oh I still love you. blah blah….People need to reign in their drama a little. That Includes me I guess. I’m working on it.
I got invited to a picnic August 7th that will bring me in touch with a lot of families I have not seen in years. These are families I went to church with from the time I was like 4 til I was 16. I have not seen them in 11 years. I have RSVP’d that I will attend but am rather worried about it. In11 years I have gotten 6 facial piercing and 20 tattoos. I don’t care that much what they think but I hate having to explain myself repeatedly whenever anyone asks. Believe me, they do ask.
Included in the e-mail was e-mails for other people that were invited. When I was growing up I had a best friend named Sarah. I have known her for as long as I can remember. We drifted apart at 15 as she moved away and so did I. The last time I saw her was at 16. Now last I talked to her around two years ago she had 3 kids and she is only I week older than me. I e-mailed her parents and they have e-mailed me back with their phone#. They said I should call and get Sarah’s #. So here is my quandary. I called her a couple times 2 years ago and on and off through the time we have been apart, but our lives are so different I always feel awkward and I think she does too. We never seem quite sure of what we want to say to each other and as I get older it seems I have been getting less and less social. So should I call her? Maybe a letter would be easier. Maybe not. I have never been very good at keeping up corespondences the best I have done so far is e-mail and even those I’m bad at.
Anyway, that pretty much catches you all up to where I am. If you made it this far, Thank you. If not you won’t be reading this anyway so 8-P

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July 26, 2005

I made it!!Sounds like you’ve been busy.

July 26, 2005

maybe you should see if she’s ever around on AIM…its easy to keep up with people that way :o) Your life seems to have been full of DRAMA, which sucks. Sorry about the whole lucas thing, hopefully in 2 or 3 months you can leave and be in a better place *hugs* You don’t deserve to have to deal w/ that shit. As for growing up…who wants to?! LOL…I wish I had the guts to call in sick more often

How are your lovers?The children?

Good to see an update. Got my curiosity up on the lucas thing.hmmm Anyway maybe you should just call the girl. If it’s too weird you could always make up some reason why you have to go. Even start the convo with “I don’t have but a minute but I wanted to say hi.” It’s always worked well for me. heehee Have you seen our way cute pics? Theyre great. Did I leave this note twice? Hate dialup.

July 26, 2005

hey thanks for the comment