And the Survey Says…….

1) First name : Jackie
2) Were you named after anyone?My parents said they never met a Jackie they didn’t like. So i guess I was named after lots of people. lol.
3) Do you wish on stars? Ocassionaly but I usually just say the little rhyme on a whim and then have no wish ready. Then I try to think of one and it comes out being something stupid.
4) Which is your favorite finger Need you ask? The Middle one, of course.
5) When did you last cry ? About a week before my surgery. Lucas was supposed to get up and take me to the docs for my pre surgery appointment. I was scared and Lucas refused to get up and take me. I threw a temper tantrum like you wouldn’t believe. I was really angry and hurt and scared. I cried ALOT. I had to take a cab and was like half an hour late cuz Lucas wouldn’t get up.
6) Do you like your handwriting? Sometimes.
7) What is your favorite lunch meat? Bologna.
8) Any bad habits? Some.
9) What is your most embarassing CD on the shelf? Billy Idol.
10) If you were another person would you be friends with yourself? Probably not. I’m a bitch.
11) Are you a daredevil? I have been known to take a stupid risk now and again.
12) Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? Yes, but I learned my lesson from that time.
13) Do looks matter? Sometimes.
14) Have you ever misused a word and it sounded stupid? I have started saying one word and then tried to change it like half way through and ended up with some word that didn’t exist. IE…Man that road kill was really scrushed.
15) Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? no
16) Do fish have feelings? Hopefully not cuz I LOVE sushi.
17)Are you trendy? Nope
18) How do you release anger? Blast the stereo. Angry music and sing/scream along.
19) Where are your second homes? Luke’s parents house. Work unfortunatly.
20) Do you trust easily? I guess I do.
21) What was your favorite toy as a child? Roller Skates.
22) What class in school do you think is totally useless? Chemistry.
23) Do you have a journal? Yup.
24) Do you use sarcasm alot? Me? No! NEVER!
25) Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Yes one year a wore a long gauzy skirt and it got shredded. Luckily I had shorts on under it.
26) What do you look for in a guy? Smart, funny, easy to talk to, and apparently gay. I really seem to like that in a guy, and unavailable. I like that too.
27) What are your nicknames? Jax, Jackal
28) Would you ever bungee jump? Um…probably not. Unless my life depended on it. Then hell yeah. lol.
29) Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Shoes. What are these shoes you speak of? Shoes are a tool of satan. That and bras.
30) Do you think you are strong? When I need to be.
31) Whats your favorite ice cream flavor? Pralines and cream
32) Whats your favorite color? Silver
33) What is your least favorite thing? Customers.
34) How many wisdom teeth do you have? All of them.
35) Are you in love with anyone? In love with? No. There are people I love though.
36) How many people have a crush on you? 0
37) Who do you miss the most right now? Kam.
39) What color pants are you wearing? Black.
40) What are you listening to right now? 3 Days Grace.
41) What are the last four digits of your phone number? 8938
42) What is the last thing you ate? Birthday Cake flavored Ice Cream.
43) If you were a crayon what color would you be? Silver.
44) How is the weather right now? Muggy.
45) Last person you talked to on the phone? A customer at work.
46) First thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hair.
48) How are you today? Exhausted. It’s 3:13 AM. I will go to bed right after this damn survey.
49) Favorite drink? Pepsi One with like a whole lemon in it. lol.
50) Favorite Alcholic Drink? Raspberry Vodka.
51) Favorite sport? Paintballs.
52) Hair color? Dark brown.
53) Eye color? Brown.
54) Do you were contacts? Nope.
55) Siblings and their ages:Matthew-29
56) Favorite month? October.
57) Favorite food? Spaghetti.
58) What was the last movie you watched? 36 Crazy Fists. (Kung FU)
59) Favorite day of the year? October 31st.
60) Are you too shy to ask someone out? Depends on the person.
61) Scary movies or happy endings? Yes
62) Summer or Winter? Fall.
63) Hugs or kisses? Hugs.
64) Relationships or one-night-stands? Relationships.
68) Living arrangements? About to kick Lucas to the curb and move in with Aija and Jesse. About 6 weeks.
69) What books are you reading? Just finished What About me like 5 hours ago have yet to start another one.
70) Favorite board game? Life.
71) What did you watch on TV last night? Video game.
72) Favorite smells? Gasoline, Sunflowers, baby powder.
73) What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? Ugh. I don’t wanna get up yet.
74) Who do you look like? Myself
75) How long did it take you to do this? About an hour,

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