So the Explaining Begins.

Somehow I get the feeling that this will be coming up over and over again. I left off the other persons name as I don’t think she wants everyone to have it. LOL. Also I edited it to make it looks like we can spell and type like civilized people. I have not changed the content however.

GRRL(4:30:15 PM): Hey.
MoreDarqThanThou (4:30:30 Hi.
GRRL(4:30:44 PM): What’s up?
MoreDarqThanThou (4:32:12 PM): I’m changing my diary a bit.
GRRL(5:21:54 PM): Sorry, I got distracted.
GRRL(5:21:59 PM): That’s sweet,
GRRL(5:22:06 PM): or maybe it isn’t.
GRRL(5:22:10 PM): I’m not sure.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:23:07 PM): LOL
MoreDarqThanThou (5:23:24 PM): It’s nice I think.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:23:30 PM): What do you think?
GRRL(5:23:39 PM): The whole backwards thing of your diary confused me to be honest. I would always hit the wrong thing I wanted.
GRRL(5:24:31 PM): Wow, it’s totally awesome.
GRRL(5:24:41 PM): Could I be more valley girl. No, but i really like it.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:25:06 PM): Well I like it. It’s still backwards though. lol.
GRRL(5:26:15 PM): I noticed.
GRRL(5:27:39 PM): I’m confused why you’re getting married. are you doing it for the point or because the three of you love each other?
MoreDarqThanThou (5:28:23 PM): :-D. Both.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:28:54 PM): We’ve been best friends for like 8 years.
GRRL(5:29:15 PM): There are kids involved?
MoreDarqThanThou (5:29:41 PM): Yup the munchkins. Two of the GREATEST kids EVER.
GRRL(5:29:51 PM): ha ha. They’re all monsters.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:30:10 PM): Well, yea, but I love them anyway. lol.
GRRL(5:30:10 PM): Just kidding. Are they like “I wish we had normal parents”, or do they think it is a cool concept, or are they too young to know?
MoreDarqThanThou (5:30:25 PM): They are too young right now.
GRRL(5:30:52 PM): Is this going to get gay rights and things involved?
MoreDarqThanThou (5:31:10 PM): They are old enough to ask for me all the time but not old enough to know what this all means.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:32:05 PM): It may or it may be shunned by gay rights because there are three of us and that is unconventional and illegal. LOL.
GRRL(5:32:29 PM): Unless you go to Salt Lake City.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:32:45 PM): lol. We aren’t Mormons.
GRRL(5:32:50 PM): Details.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:32:55 PM): LMAO
GRRL(5:33:04 PM): Just say you’re willing to convert and then they’ll except you.
GRRL(5:33:36 PM): It’ll be like SLC punks.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:34:38 PM): Aija is a Reverend for 50 dollars you can get your church recognized by the state. Aija is working on the by laws now. Then we can claim religious discrimination as well as it being unconstitutional.
GRRL(5:35:17 PM): How is it unconstitutional?
MoreDarqThanThou (5:36:18 PM): The constitution declares that we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, without interference.
GRRL(5:36:43 PM): It also says order.
GRRL(5:36:58 PM): Order and liberty mean almost the opposite thing.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:37:06 PM): Our marriage will be orderly.
GRRL(5:37:14 PM): I don’t see how.
GRRL(5:37:48 PM): It seems like it would make a mess for the insurance and social security,
GRRL(5:37:55 PM): for you receiving it.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:38:18 PM): I don’t see how what we do in the privacy of our own home is any of the states business as we aren’t hurting anyone.
GRRL(5:38:41 PM): By being legally married, you are getting the state involved.
GRRL(5:38:47 PM): You’re making a legal contract.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:39:06 PM): Yes, and that should be honored and binding.
GRRL(5:39:40 PM): Why can’t you just have a private marriage? That is what they do in Russia. They have marriage without the state involvement.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:41:03 PM): Yes and it’s been done that way for many years. Leaving us with the same archaic law system that makes people have to slink off and hide their love.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:41:25 PM): Someone has to try and make a change.
GRRL(5:41:31 PM): So you want the state to get involved and not get involved at the same time?
GRRL(5:41:52 PM): I’m not arguing, I just don’t understand.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:42:12 PM): We are going to get the state involved in an effort to change the system.
GRRL(5:42:41 PM): You said that it was none of their business.
GRRL(5:43:13 PM): So why get them involved?
MoreDarqThanThou (5:43:27 PM): Then we will argue against the state that it is not their business who we choose to marry. That it’s in no way against the constitution and they are violating our rights.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:43:49 PM): We get them involved because that is the only way to get the laws changed.
GRRL(5:45:44 PM): Weird.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:46:09 PM): Trying to change laws is weird?
GRRL(5:46:36 PM): Some laws, no.
GRRL(5:46:39 PM): Other laws, yes
MoreDarqThanThou (5:47:07 PM): What is wrong with three people who love each other getting married.
GRRL(5:47:26 PM): Nothing.
GRRL(5:48:10 PM): I just don’t get the point of getting married legally.
GRRL(5:48:16 PM): So… maybe that’s the big difference.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:49:18 PM): Well look at it this way;
MoreDarqThanThou (5:49:58 PM): It’s the same sort of thing that gay people have been working towards for years, recognition of our love.
GRRL(5:50:21 PM): But I don’t understand the point in a man and a woman going through the state to get married.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:50:59 PM): Ah so you are arguing the whole point of marriage in general?
GRRL(5:51:18 PM): Not marriage.
GRRL(5:51:34 PM): Marriage is fine. I don’t get the point in having it be really legalized.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:52:10 PM): Well it’s because it is supposed to be a binding contract.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:52:56 PM): Not that it gets treated that way.
GRRL(5:53:50 PM): People don’t think the government should care if you cheat, or who you marry, so why get them involved in any way.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:55:22 PM): You have a good point there. You should take it to court and change the marriage laws.:-D
GRRL(5:55:55 PM): The real difference is that I don’t care.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:58:01 PM): Though If you live with someone for 7 years in the manner of husband and wife you are considered married anyway. Common law marriage and that doesn’t get the state involved.
GRRL(5:58:45 PM): Well there you go.
MoreDarqThanThou (5:59:31 PM): Our state is not a state that recognizes common law marriages.
GRRL(5:59:57 PM): So go to Nevada,
GRRL(6:00:09 PM): but I have to go.
GRRL(6:00:19 PM): Have fun with your legal battle.
MoreDarqThanThou (6:00:29 PM): Thanks
MoreDarqThanThou (6:00:33 PM): Bye
“GRRL” is away from the computer as of 6:01:05 PM.

Oh yea! Lucas’s probation officer said YES! Thank you Sra_V. LOL. Vaction starts in T minus 2 Days!


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June 22, 2005

oooh sparkly…

June 22, 2005

I don’t know who you were chatting with but she seems uneducated and stupid. hehe, if she reads this “hey!” YAY!! VACATION!!

RYN: Itz not a fake diary u retard! Itz my lyfe and itz not funnie!

June 22, 2005

hey nice change,y is ur diary backwards?

June 22, 2005

RYN: Thanks for the birthday wishes, i scrolled through your diary backwards before I realized what I was doing haha, I get the feeling Im not the only one!

June 22, 2005

RYN: I have this habit of adding people to my faves list when I think their diaries look interesting that way I don;t lose them while im surfing around the site:)

June 24, 2005

THAT’S ME!!! oh, i feel so cool now

June 24, 2005

and apperently i’m very stupid, sweet, thanks for that