I’m it? Well, *TAG* so are you!

This is OD tag. The topic is 10 ways to relieve stress. I list mine then tag 5 others to list theirs. Ok I was tagged too, so how do I relieve stress? Well I don’t. lol. Just kidding. Here’s what I suggest.

1. Listen to really loud music and headbang. (But not in front of anyone else because that would just add to your stress what with them making fun of you and all.)
2. Read a good book.
3. Write bad goth poetry, or good goth poetry. Either way works.
4. Bitch and moan and complain in your Open Diary. It makes me feel better.
5. Customerssuck.com. Laughter is a great way to relieve stress.
6. Shoot Lucas in the head with paintballs. That’s always a winner in my book 8-D
7. This one is gonna sound kind of dumb, but trust me on this. Beat the SHIT out of a pillow. Better than destroying something you like and gets out some of that stress, anger, frustration. (What can I say it’s a multi purpose pillow.)
8.Play with your kitty. Doc is a great way to get rid of stress. I LOVE my kitty!
9. Masturbate. Need I say more. I don’t think so.
10. Go to the beach. Watch the water. BREATHE!

Ok now that I have done my part MWAHAHA! It’s time for some of you to do yours so. Therefore I tag thee:
1. CrippledStupid
2. im*n*chains
3. sra_v
4. in*her*chains
5. dreamsofahero

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June 11, 2005

Those are all cool ways, ..hem..especially #9 =D I’ve seen this everywhere, and when I get a chance, I will conform and do it. =D Hope youre doing well

OK I’m going to do this in a little while I promise but I just woke up. Somehow I thought you might get me. 🙂 Didn’t know you’d get Crital too, I’m laughin at her lol. Ok doin it later promise….

I’m gonna beat you for this….. I knew you’d get Nina but I didnt’ think you’d get me…. I’m gonna do this in a little bit…. I can’t beleive this, how am I gonna figure out that many things that calm me down??? Lol, Thanks Latas.

June 12, 2005

Oh, I will get you…mark my words…I will get you