Dodging the Bullet.

Today went VERY well. My manger called me into her office at 1:15. She was like I know your break is in 15 minutes so I will let you go then. We chatted for the 15 minutes she explained to me that everytime I have called in sick since my surgery has been considered a relapse and that I would have to call SMART and file claims with them. So she said let me just get these all straightened out and you come back and see me after your break. I wandered off smoked a cigarette, called up Lucas. I told him that some people may be calling him about the days I took care of my dad and he should just say he drove me up to my dad’s place so he said ok. I also told him I left my tuna sandwhich at home and he should bring it to me.

Having settled 3 of my problems in 15 minutes I headed back to my manager’s office. She had spent that 15 minutes trying to organize my absences by excuses. You know sick vs. car trouble vs. family emergency vs. personal problems. LOL. Well once we had them all settled she had me call SMART. I had four seperate claims to file so that took me about an hour. Mind you I’m getting paid for all that time I spent off the board. heehee. I gave my myriad of excuses for the sick days ranging from migraines, to food poisoning, to stomache flu, and hormone imbalance due to the operation. All those claims will be denied with the possible exception of the hormone imbalnce one as I did see a Dr. for that.

I went back on the board for like 5 minutes. Then I was like oh look Lucas will be along any minute with my sandwhich. i should go wait outside for him. I waited out front for like 10 minutes and had a cigarette. Lucas gave me my sandwhich. I went back in, and got back on the board for 15 minutes. Then it was time for my 45 minute lunch. HeeHee. Came back from lunch with only 4 hours left to work and another 15 minute break. I was HAPPY!

So after all that we have to wait til June 15th to see if SMART will approve any claims. If the do I will get a verbal warning. If they don’t a will get a verbal warning. Possibly a written though I doubt it. Worse case senario I get a written don’t call out for 6 months and it goes away. So I only worked 6 hours today. Got paid for 8 and at most will get a warning. With my luck at bullet dodging I should have become a super hero. LOL. Score 1 for the home team.

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June 7, 2005

thats AWESOME! But how will you manage w/o calling in for SIX whole months?! that is gonna be hard…lets hope for NO written warning…

June 8, 2005

I love those days when you don’t work the full 8 but still get paid for it. Let’s hope that nothing happens in the next 6 months!

I promise I’m being careful.

June 8, 2005

Congrats on becoming a superhero! What will your name be?

Keep shooting evetually you’ll get it………Tuwile & Ilom

June 8, 2005

Goth kids around her don’t cry very much. haha. Anyway, good luck with your work thing? I dont really get it but… yeah

June 13, 2005

“Our Favorite super-hero “Illusion Lady” has once again excaped the dreaded “work”. By fueling up on tuna sandwiches she can surely find any excuse in the universe to not have to sink to the level of the working class! With her Sidekick “Lucas” by her side, “Illusion Lady” will never have to suffer the perrils of a job! Thank you I.L.!!! You have saved us once again!!!”