You have Questions. I have Answers.

1. Why do I always remember such inane things about every experience I have, the “background noise”; but can’t, for the life of me, remember what I’m supposed to remember about said experience? It’s easier that way.

2. How much money does it cost to power every light bulb in a city? More money than I’ll ever see at 1 time.

3. When and where was the first warehouse built? A long time ago in a land far, far, away.

4. Why did my female friend want to sit through an hour long, extremely graphic T.V show about lesbians who have female only strap-on dildo parties, when she is not a lesbian? More importantly, though, why didn’t I? She wanted to see how the other half lives. You already know and don’t like to think that you could be easily replaced by a piece of rubber and a leather strap.

5. How is it possible that out of the 2 million plus people on Kazaa, not one has the song I want? You have strange tastes. Then again so do I. What song u need?

6. Where is all this grey hair coming from? I sneak in and paint it while u sleep.

7. Why do boyfriends buy their girlfriends tacky, fake, and cheap glass flowers, present them to her in the middle of a bar, and then act like they’re hot shit for the rest of the night because for once they finally thought of someone other than themselves? They were thinking of themselves when they bought it.

8. If I were named Bart as planned, would I still be as cool as I am now? I’m gonna have to say no.

9. Why’d I choose to stop talking to a few people for no apparent reason, and why didn’t it bother me? You really did have a reason and subcounciously you know that. That’s why it doesn’y bother you.

10. Why in the hell did Coal Chamber break-up? Why hasn’t Korn? The good ones always do. I want to Toadies back together!

11. Why do I dislike the concept of self-interest so much? Because you realize there are so many other things to be interested in.

12. If sex, or rather the feeling of sex, were a person what would it look like? Anything you want it to. Everything you want it to.

13. Is it possible for one to be a “no sexual”…as in, not attracted to either of the sexes? Yes. Though generally people just refer to them as Prudes.

14. How is it possible, that with all the recent foul up’s of both the Canadian and American governments, are the elected parties still in power? Too many people don’t care enough.

15. Is it normal for a married person, male or female, to find it difficult to remain faithful at times? Yes. That’s what makes it special if they do.

16. Have morals become a Mona Lisa, in that they’re priceless and beautiful, they’re nice to be seen once in awhile, but otherwise they just sit there not really doing too much? I think that really depends on the person. I’d like to think there are people out there who still have morals.

17. If public education, be it high school, community college or whatever, is supposed to teach people knowledge, and if we’re supposed to learn from that teaching; why does it spend more time teaching us specialization and less time teaching us thought…or rather, how to think? We are supposed to figure that out ourselves.

18. Are the end of days coming soon, or can this “weird, freaky weather” we’ve had this past little while be accredited to just that…weird, freaky weather. The end is near.

19. Is paranoia the same thing as believing in God? That depends on whether or not you think it’s God that is out to get you.

20. Is my favorite favorite back and doing well? I never left. LOL.

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Interesting…maybe she wants to be a lesbian…lol

June 7, 2005

are you ignoring me?

June 7, 2005

NOTE: I realize this is a stupid question because if you were only ignoing me then… you would still not answer, if you’re not ignoring me, you would tell me you weren’t, haha

RYN’s: Thanks for the notes, I’ve been tryin to ignore this person whom ever it may be. But I’m sick of it. If it’s not people in real life tryin to mess with us, it’s someone on the net. The worst part is I think it’s someone in our real life doin it thru the net. Nice huh… Stupid people do stupid things I guess huh… Thanks again. The quizs I get I steal.. Like I’m gonna this one… Latas.

June 7, 2005

Yeah, I knew they were here. Heh, I couldve sworn that I left a note. So soddy, sir. I can’t believe that you answered all of them. You are crazy, but cool, and prolly sexy. Crazy sexy cool. Heh, sorry, it fit. Anyway, thanks a lot for answering them =D

June 7, 2005

Oh, and that song was one by Coal Chamber…Oddity. I found it though =)