A Look at OD Drama from the Outside.

Well, you know it’s not my style to involve myself in the business of others. (Ok so I’m lying) Anyhow, I have been following these 3 particular diaries for some time now. We start with two seemingly intelligent girls. One is 21 and I’m not sure of the other but I’m hoping she is at least 18. Then the guy. I don’t know exactly how intelligent he is but judging from his writing I would say not very. His entries and notes are nearly impossible to make sense of. Now girl 18 I will call her is pregnant with Mb wonderful’s baby. Girl 21 is also in love with this paragon of manliness.

Mr wonderful has been going back and forth professing his undying love to both girls. They type nastiness back and forth and generally fight over this man. Why? I don’t know. He is obviously bad news. He is not going to be someone who takes care of hearts that he is carelessly handed. I tried to warn Girl 21. I mean I could see this train wreck happening from the first moment I read the first entry.She of course defended him and their “love”

Now apparently Mr Wonderful has said, (I think, is a bit hard to untangle his horrible messages) that he loves them both dearly and will always be alone but he is going to give it a go with Girl 18, as he loves her with all his heart (What heart, I say?) and their baby means the world to him. She has gladly accepted this offer and sent an in your face I got your man note to girl 21.

This is the point where I go, “what are you doing???????????” I understand that he is the father of your unborn child but if he really cared about you and the baby, as he says, he would not be playing this game in the first place. That is what I think it is to him too. A big game with him as the prize for the unfortunate winner. Now Girl 21 has written her final entry. An obvious suicide threat and Girl 18 is doing a happy dance because she got the prize. That is one prize I would pass up, thank you.

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June 2, 2005

Your backwards diary makes me disoriented…..lol. Love the style, really. Random note

June 2, 2005

*rolls eyes* thats a ridiculous situation and if she’s going to “kill” herself over it than good riddance. She’s got problems far deeper than the situation at hand. She was probably just pissed so she wrote it to upset that girl and her boyfriend…people like that annoy the HELL out of me.

June 2, 2005

That’s quite worrying!

wow they are sure in a damn mess huh. people kill me when it comes to love and the stuff they’ll put up with…i just don’t get it…i mean i’ve dealt with my share but there’s only so much i’ll take ……i guess it’s just SO true that LOVE IS BLIND. it really really is. the smarteset people get REALLY dumb when love steps in…anyway good luck worryin over those three…laters

Hey it’s Angel. It’s just a note to everyone telling them how much I love them and not to worry that I am okay but I needed some time away. I have no intention of doing anything stupid. I don’t even know if him and I are over. I just need some time to sort everything that is going on out. So that’s what I’ve done. I’ve gotten away for awhile. Don’t worry I promise I’m still alive.

Gay men are the best.So much better than straight, besides you can go duck hunting with them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That’s not what it is. I promise. It’s just my way of telling everyone what they mean to me because I am going to be gone for a while and I needed to get everything out to start dealing with the pain. I would never kill myself for anyone. No matter how much I love them. Time heals all pain.

June 2, 2005

I’m writing this in response to a note from “Broken_Hearted” on my diary, as her’s is faves only and I don’t want to be on her list. I DO know what I’m talking about. Do not come to my diary to insult my intelligence. Your entry was a guilt trip, get over yourself. Have some OD drama ShatteredIllusions!

June 2, 2005

My heart goes out to all involved. Even that guy, even though he may have acted all “heeey!” at the thought of two girls, he would have been torn in two every now + again when his guilt caught up with him. And we know how hard it is for men and their one brain cell. LOL No honestly, I hope everyone takes it easy.

June 6, 2005

Isn’t it funny how some people just thrive on the drama? How sad and pathetic it makes their lives really seem. I was never one to get caught up in drama