The Adventures of Lady Delirium

Well, I missed a day or too in the last few days here. On, Saturday, Lucas’s birthday, we had a really good dinner then Lucas and I played a few rounds of paintball. 6, to be exact. I won 4 Lucas won 2. So he was mad, Plus one shot hit him right on his trigger finger and got paint all over the new gun I got him. LOL.

Later, Billy called and started telling me how kick ass Star Wars was and that he wanted to go again. I tried to convince Lucas to come but he refused. He doesn’t like Billy since he found out that Billy doesn’t like him. Billy doesn’t like Lucas cause he thinks Lucas is an asshole. Anyway, we went without him. It was really good. Certainly better than the first to. Billy says it’s the best of all 6 but I disagree. I will always have a certain fondness for the original 3. The first movie I ever remember going to was a Star Wars movie. It was me, my brother, and my parents and we saw it at a drive in theater. That is something I will always remember. It’s funny how things bring up memories, just a glimpse of something, or a faint aroma on a breeze and off you are to a different point in time.

Then yesterday Lucas and I played a lot more paintball. I’m not sure the exact # of games but at current count we are tied for score. Billy came over and played with us. The last 2 games were the most fun because instead of running around getting shot at with paintballs, (Those things HURT! I have bruises.) I stood up at the patio and sniped at them with my paintball gun while they tried to avoid getting shot by me and shoot at eachother. Heehee. Then it became too dark to see so we went in.

I went on Billy’s paper route with him last night because I have not gone to work in a week and I needed the money. It went kinda badly. We arrived at 2 AM to pick up his papers but they didn’t have them ready for us til 4 so right off the bat billy was pissed off. Then at the first job he showed me how to collect the change and all that. So then he was doing a whole bunch of stops and finally it was my turn to do one. Only I was doing it all wrong and he was getting annoyed and yelling at me. 8-( Then the second one went fine but when we got to the third one there was trouble again. He told me the old boxes use the short key and the new boxes use the long key. So the 3 box we went to was an old box. I put in the key and it wouldn’t turn so I was jiggling it. (He said if 1 won’t turn just jiggle it a little.) It wouldn’t go so he gets out and takes the keys then he opens it with the long one. So I was like, “You said all the old boxes use the short key.” He said “I lied.” Then I put the change in and the door wouldn’t open so I hit the coin return and tried again. Then I realized that I had not grabbed 2 quarters from the bucket but a quarter and a nickel so I was digging around in my pocket for another quarter. *sigh*

After all that he didn’t let me do anymore til the very end of the route. Like the last 4 boxes which I did fine on. So that kinda sucked. Then we came back here and smoked.

When I came home last night Billy noticed that my Rat, Lady Delirium, was missing. We searched my bedroom but could not get her because of where she was hidin, behind the dresser. So this morning Billy and I were talking about the various ways we could catch her. I had the tubes that used to be in the cage on the floor. Billy said we could put some food in the middle and when she went in there we could just pick up the tube and deposit the her in her cage. As he is saying this I noticed the Lady Delirium was climbing in one of the tubes. We quickly returned her to her cage. Where she drank for like 10 minutes straight. I wonder how long she had been out. It’s a good thing my door was closed all weekend or my cat’s would have had a little treat.

I went to bed around 8:30 AM and got up at 1. I had a gyno appointment today. They gave me some hormones which will hopefully stop the hot flashes, night sweats, and allow me to get to sleep to. I take the first 1 before bed tonight and hope it works. I am supposed to call Bobbeaux when he gets out of work. (In about 50 minutes) Hopefully we will all be going to play paintball tonight. In the mean time, maybe a lil nap. Bye for now.

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sounds like you’ve had a good couple of days. so how’d ya get the boys to get along and paintball together? yeah those damn things hurt. we use to play alot. aww i miss it. heehee