Some Punk Ass Bitch Knocked me Down!

Today was a good day. I got up early and cleaned the house before Lucas’s parents came home.Heehee. Billy came and got me around 8am. We went over Matt’s and played D&D until 2 pm. Then Billy and I watched the Jackie Chan movie Mr. Nice Guy. We love Jackie Chan. We ordered out some chinese too as it was way too hot to be cooking.

Lucas invited Fiora in for a meal today. (That is the homeless cat he took in for like 3 days that peed on his bed.) He put her in front of this giant bowl. She gobbled the food as quickly as she could. Then she threw up all over the kitchen floor. Lucas of course won’t clean it so I have too. GRR!

Lucas’s b-day is next Saturday. He’ll be 24. I am going to get him this paintball gun he really wants from the Spyder series. It is a bit expensive but we already have two so the more we get the more people who can play. That in turn makes it way more fun.

I read this on and felt the need to share it. It made me laugh.

I work for a large office supply chain. Now a lot, I mean a lot, of fools and idiots enter our store on a daily basis. One instance that went down in history happened roughly a year ago. In addition to office supplies we have a small selection of computer equipment. One thing in particular took center stage. We sell pressurized air which is commonly used for cleaning out computers and equipment. What most people don’t know is that it is not just air in the can. The can contains many chemicals in addition to air. (Keep that in mind)

On this particular day the store was very slow. There were only a few customers and I had already helped them and I was just kind of walking around trying not to be bored. Suddenly I heard a quick WHOOSH coming from the aisle next to me. I knew someone was getting into a can of air. It was probably a child and I could tell him that that wasn’t appropriate. (Yes a small victory) As I turned the corner I heard the WHOOSH again this time from another direction. It was on the move. I moved down the aisle and I heard the WHOOSH again followed by a thud and a quick tumble of objects (That turned out to be software) I turned the corner and this complete tool is laying on the ground in a pile of software with the canned air in his hand. First I was concerned. I ran up and asked him what had happened. He looked up and said, ” Some punk-ass bitch knocked me out.”

I quickly figured out that the only punk-ass bitch in the store was him. I got pretty pissed off. He was obviously huffing our canned air. (what a lame idiot) I roughly picked him up and (While his eye was rolling into the back of his head) told him to get the hell out of my store. Then I promptly forced him out al bundy style.(Sadly, I just escorted him out. I did really, really want to bang his head into the door a couple times.) He immediately went next door to home depot. I called them up and told them to watch their glue section.

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May 15, 2005

Fiora…thats a pretty name…I like names like that… Cleaning sucks.

That was pretty funny. I’m still laughing at it. I did have a blast. It was so much fun.

May 15, 2005

Those just get funnier and funnier! Yay for birthdays! Yay for paintguns! Boo to cleaning up cat puke.

May 15, 2005

Thanks heaps for your notes 🙂 That thing about the huffer-guy is the funniest thing I’ve read in ages! lol

May 15, 2005

.of heard ever have I that do to things dumbest goddamned the of one be to has air canned Huffing .tool a What

May 16, 2005

you complain that you can’t buy food yet you’re going to buy a paintball gun for someone else