Sick, Tired and Falling

I was so tired all day. I had an hour lunch today and I spent like 45 minutes of it sleeping. Kind of funny since I actually slept like 8 hours last night which is more than I ever get. However, if I divide it with the sleep I didn’t get the night before I only got like 4 hours. I was thinking about applying for stress sleep until my doctor helps me figure out my sleep thing. I’ve felt kind of like I’ve been sleep walking through life lately. At least I got a full 8 hours last night.

The poor pookie bunny isn’t feeling good tonight. When he picked me up from work he was clutching his belly and groaning the whole way home. I told him that is what he gets for staying up for three days, drinking, smoking, popping pills and eating next to nothing. NOw he will sleep until late tomorrow, wake up, stuff his face and pass back out. I guess some things never change. I put him straight to bed when we got home and tucked him in. Damn if that boy doesn’t bring out my maternal instincts.

Only 6 more weeks until we go away to Maryland together. I can’t wait!. It’s going to be so much fun. I want to go tubing again. That may have been my favorite part of last summer. That and lying in the boat staring at the stars, and singing along with the Ipod. Speaking of singing. I have decided to post more lyrics. I have an all girl play list which a fair amount of which is Tori Amos. Followed by Pj Harvey in a close second. I love Pj Harvey so today I decided to post the lyrics to a song of hers called The Falling. If you have not heard her yet I hope u will take the time to do that. I suggest either 4 track demos or Bsides for albums.

How to walk and where to run
How to walk and where to run
I see you kissing in other peoples arms
See you kissing in cheap bars
How to walk and where to run
How to walk and where to run
I see you kissing oblivious
Loving only your pain
I’m walking in oblivion
Walking in oblivion
I walk with a childs face
Remembering our days
Walking in oblivion
Walking in oblivion
It’s gotta give, it’s gotta change
Today is the day

To all the men who I’ve loved
To all the men who I’ve loved
Something to free your angry hearts
I’m opening up my arms
To all the men whom I have loved
To all the men whom I have loved
Speak of the fear inside
It’s time to change, there still is time
Do you remember walking?
Do you remember watching?
Our faces in the falling hearts of children
To all the men whom I have loved
To all the men whom I have loved
I dedicate my song saying
Today is the day
Today is the day

So we fall
And we fall again
And I have come
To tell you today
That I loved you
There’s still time to say
We’re falling hearts of our children

Through hating and loving
Through lucking and nothing
Through all manner of sorrows
That I have spoken
I open up my tender heart
I open up my tender heart
To all the men whom I have loved
All of those who I adored
But I remember something
I remember walking
When my heart was frozen
With that feeling
It’s gotta give, it’s gotta change
It’s gotta give, it’s gotta change
Turning round and round saying
Today is the day
Today is the day

So we fall
And we fall again
And I have come
To tell you today
That I loved you

There’s still time to say
We’re falling hearts of our children


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May 14, 2005

sleep,only the little kids have good sleeping time these days and nap time or sleep time they dont want to be sleeping yet,lol. thats funny but even thou 8 hours of sleep r good and its normal sleep for adults to function better or something,seems like every adult nowadays sleep about 4 maby 6 hours a nite. anyway check with later:).

May 14, 2005

What does eight hours of sleep feel like? It’s been so long…

May 14, 2005

pppooorrr bunny…maybe he shouldn’t drink so much;o)

May 16, 2005

sleep is over rated. but my vaca is so way before yours, ha, i win