I am so pissed at Lucas right now. As after the whole being locked out and having to climb in the window to get in thing. Lucas slept all night and all day, so he didn’t bring me to work. I missed another damn day! This fuckin’ sucks. It’s not like he is tired from working or something he’s tired cuz he’s a fuckin stupid speed addict who can’t get his shit together! When I see him I am going to do him serious bodily harm. I MEAN IT!!!!! I’m so pissed off I just wanna scream but there is no one here to hear it except the kitties and I don’t want to scare them. *sighs*

I went over to Bobbeaux the other night. We worked on the story some then he drew something and wanted me to put a poem in the blank part of the page. Since he and I were talking about wanting (What can I say? It seems to be a common theme with me these days.) I wrote a poem called wanting. So here it is.


He’s everything I ever wanted.
My every dream he’s haunted.
He gives up all to fill my greed,
but he can never stop my need.
There’s the object of my affection,
but life means more than this erection.
So now he’s in for a big fall.
He isn’t want I wanted after all.
No one can EVER fill this hole.
Because what I’m lacking is a soul.

Jackie Wheeler ©2005

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May 8, 2005

I like that. And you should have his balls for not taking you to work. Seriously.

May 8, 2005

i agree w/ the last noter…if he said he’d shoulder the responsibility, then he SHOULD. there is no excuse.

May 8, 2005

Poor guy,well he deserves whats coming to him,lol. Nice poem:D.check with u later.

May 9, 2005

your diary is all backwards and i am confused. just kidding. hope you go to work soon (can’t believe I said that). good luck and i hope things get better.