If you have a problem with me just move on

If you have a problem with me, instead of taking time out of your day to be the heroic keyboard warrior you are and writing hate or shit to me, a minor minding my own god damn buisness, simply move on. Or make a constructive statement, or critisism that makes logical sense and despite differentiating views, possibly have a contructive and respectably calm debate, whilst still respecting eachother`s views.

Making a whole god damn post ‘calling me out’ and claiming that my eating disorder offends you, because your one comment that I should ‘just eat’ or ‘just eat heathily’ or anything along those lines does not magically cure me from my mental illness, does not mean I am being fatphobic or anything similar.

Also do not put words in my mouth, if you want to prove a point take an actual quote from what I say and use that.


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June 8, 2020

Well said. Keep writing and speaking your mind. There will always be haters and keyboard warriors who only want to bring you further down. They aren’t here to offer anything of value and honestly if they are so triggered, they shouldn’t be reading your entries or mine for that matter. Stay strong!

June 8, 2020

@skinney4life Exactly! And same to you, keep strong!

June 8, 2020

If you feel that you are being attacked or insulted by another member, please let the Staff know through the link at the bottom of the page. We do not allow personal attacks on OD, and members who do will be warned and then ejected from the site if their behavior continues. We want OD to be a place where all of our members can feel safe to write their true feelings. Thanks!

June 8, 2020

@opendiarystaff ah okay thankyou! I was unaware before on how to report people, and this is quite helpful, much appreatiated