On the subject of christmas
Ok so I realize i haven’t been writing half as much as I did, and defintly not noting as much and i am so sorry. Reason being, well for two months I didn;t have net. Now i do, but still on stupid laptop and this keyboard is IMPOSSIBLE to type on (lame excuse) but it makes me shy away because if i so much as look at the built in mouse funny and CLICK CLICK CLICK and things shut and open on me and my curser ends up in the middle of my paragraps, and YEAH, it’s a piss off.
I hope everyone is having a merry christmas!!! I am starting too. I mean I have to admit, I’ve never been a big fan of christmas. I just hate the music and the decorations and the constant rubbing my face in it year after year, and..well I’m always glad when it’s over. I KNOW. I’m horrible. This year was particularly bad because we are SO broke and i work in a mall with BAD christmas music blaring all day…and then you have horrid cranky customers all day, and then you have the super happy "isn’t christmas great" ppl, and i’m all "meh". Because this year is going to be SO depressing. james’s sister, Sharon, gone, and his mother broken into pieces over it. I know when we all get together she’s going to feel the loss of Sharon all that much more, and it’s going to be very sad……
WOW. So not trying to ruin everyone ELSE’S Christmas. As I said, "I am STARTING to", meaning…well, that today was very good.
Started working as per usual, I changed the oil in the deep fryer, and attempted to put the two big buckets that we hold the oil in away, after i cleaned them. They went flying off the shelf, and hit me on the head and the oil residue got all over me…then I dropped two boxes of tomatoes, and there were tomatoes rolling all over the back hall, with me shouting and swearing and trying to stop the tomatoes from rolling into other stores. and then there was the pepper jack cheese incident, don’t get me started on that. Lets just say, cheese everywere. I’m not cut out to work with food, really. I leave a mess ANYWHERE I go.
Anyways, yadda, work work, cranky customers, accidently put a pepsi down on the counter too hard and ended up literally throwing it at some ppl, more work work work, smoke break, delivery guy hit on me again and I just wanted to smoke in peace, and then… 4:00 hits around! So I’m all "sweet, friday, I’m off until the 28’th, bye bye!"
So as I am on my way out, my boss Wah hands me a bag! and in it is this box, and in the box is a gorgeous silver watch. I was all "wOW OMIGOSH" because I thought the raise ( i got a raise) was my christmas bonus. Anyways, I was so overwhelmed, because my parents don’t really do anything for christmas, especially not presents, and IF presents…well I sound like a total bitch but they, ok well they’re frugile, and the presents are modest. Which is fine!!! James’s family is all about the dinner and small nice gifts, and where I’m TryINg to go with this without sounding ungrateful is that I simply wasn’t expecting anything like that, from my BOSS no less. So naturally I had to find out the price because there was a receipt with it (with no price on it, but found a tiny one on it that they missed). 1 hundred and 20 dollars!!! So now i’m torn if I should return it or keep it. I mean I LOVE it but money is money and we are so poor.
The other reason I was particulary dreading christmas this year, was because we haven’t gotten anyone anything yet (his family-wise) and we KNOW they all got US stuff. So it was going to be EXTREMELY awkward explaining THAT one. "yeah, james is going to SCHOOL for two months, and then we had rent, and a loan payment back to back, and long story short, we’re broke and didn’t get anyone anything." So not something I wanted to blurt, red faced, knowing everyone would say "ohh we understand, here have a nicely wrapped gift" So imagine our surprise when James picked me up today and we got in the car, and he opened an envelope from work, and there is a cheque for 1,000 dollars for the overtime he worked (it gets banked) and some vacation pay. This is from 3 months of work, can u imagine those who’ve been there a year? wowza!!! Anyways we were EXSTATIC . Now we can go christmas shopping and not look like fools! And ok, maybe Christmas will be emotional this year with sharon gone, but I AM going to secretly arm myself with a bottle of baileys, and I know we’ll all get through this.
Plus I have the happiness knowing that when I return to work, there will be no christmas music blasting in the halls.
Anyways…merry christmas to all.
(Hugs) God Always provides
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