Here we go round again

So its definitely happening again. I already told Becker, and I don’t want to write it in here, because it just pains me. It just hurts me that the same thing happens every SINGLE time. Same person keeps doing it to me over and over. This would be time number 4 I guess. What kind of a friend would do this? I mean my friend is so fun to hang out with, she’s awesome…but this is just bullshit. It doesn’t even hurt me because of the details of who it is and all of that…it just hurts that she doesn’t realize the like rule of thumb of friends. And she’d just deny it if I brought it up to her. I hate not being able to go into detail. I’m so upset..again. I should just get used to it.  

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June 1, 2005

Umm, sorry? Much love Melly, much love.