Token Finals Entry

At my school, Finals Week is full of food.  There’s the Hillel end-of-year barbecue, the Best Buddies barbecue, the all-campus barbecue on Friday, the chemistry picnic, the chem seniors/faculty drinks/dinner, Le Cercle Francais’s picnic and movie on the front lawn, the French seniors/faculty drinks/dinner, Hillel’s last Shabbat dinner of the semester, Best Buddies senior dinner, all-campus Midnight breakfast (which is insane, but amazing) and then all the meals within your groups of friends, like homemade lunch today at Matt’s, Waffle House with Sara and Julie, drinks/pizza at Woody’s, etc.  I’m just talking about the events which I’m invited to, but I guarantee you that frats are having their share of bbq’s and SHARE is having a bbq, and I missed the goodbye receptions for the Music Dept. secretary (who is retiring) and the head of the Community Service office (who is moving to Germany), and the math and psych departments are having receptions for their seniors….  And then, as if that’s not enough food and celebration, there’s the frantic rush to use up the rest of your meal swipes.

Clearly, I don’t go to a particularly studious or brilliant school.  I do go to a good school with some people who are studious and/or brilliant (Note: I am definitely not one of them), but for the most part, I think the majority of people on campus spend Finals Week bbq hopping.   That’s what I do at least.

I’m not going to bore you with the pointless details of what I have to do this week.  I absolutely hate when people do that.  I will tell you that I thought it was hilarious this morning when my chem professor told me to come in Friday if I had any questions while I was studying tonight.   Studying?  Fuck no.  I’ll be writing my four essays due tomorrow in between going to various parties and Friday will be spent turning in the essays and going to barbecues and dinner.

It should really be the Senior 15, not the Freshman 15.  Freshman year, I didn’t have enough friends to eat with to eat enough to put on weight.  But between being social and having more opportunities to drink alcohol, which tends to be high in calories, now that it’s Senior year…..hahaha.  Good thing I really don’t care.

The funniest thing about all these bbq’s and dinners and receptions is the way that they’re advertised.  All of the emails and fliers advertise these as a "break from studying" or "relax and eat" or a chance to get away from the books, stuff along that lines. Just going to the bbq’s, receptions, and dinners that I’m invited/required to go to, I’ve gone to so many I haven’t even STARTED studying yet.

But for all my poking fun at it, Finals Week is one of the nicest times of the year.  Our campus is glorious in good weather.  People are nicer, there’s always a group of people doing a spontaneous sing-a-long, free food from all directions….

So yeah, don’t tell anyone, but I actually really like Finals Week…..


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May 5, 2007

Good luck for finals, even though you don’t seem to be taking them seriously ;-phave fun at all these BBQ’s and feasts! YUM!i wish every week was as fun as they sound..can’t wait till I can have celebrations!