At The Edge Of Depression

I can tell I’m bordering on depression when, while considering my options, suicide is briefly considered as an actual option.  Never seriously, never for long, and never with the intention of actually following through with it, but just idly as one of many things I could do with myself.  "What should I do to deal with this situation?  Hmm… well, I guess I could kill myself."  As quickly as it comes, it’s gone.  But the fact that it passed through at all serves as a warning for me that I’m not doing well.

I came home today after 2 weeks of waiting for my cheque for some promotions work I did to come in the mail – this is my rent money I’m waiting for.  I arrived home certain that it must have come through today – rent is due tomorrow, the cheque is late, and my rent has always come through on time.  But when I got home and asked my roommate expectantly if anything had come in the mail, I felt something inside me drop when she said "No."

On Saturday I went to pick up a CD of nude photos of myself that a photography student had taken in November.  3 months I waited for those photos – 3 fucking months!  I finally managed to get him to lock down a time to meet up with me to get the CD, and he picked Saturday morning at 11am – do you have any idea of how obscene that time is for me?  Who the fuck wakes up before noon on a weekend?  I went to pick them up, exhausted after 4 hours of sleep, got on the bus to get back home, and arrived at home to realize that the pocket I had put the CD into no longer held any such CD, meaning I must’ve lost it when I was nodding off on the bus.  So there is now a CD of nude photos of me on a public bus somewhere or in someone’s hands – unless it’s been stepped on and destroyed (which is where my hopes are).

Without getting into too many details, I’m also extremely hurt by some actions and beliefs my puppy lover recently displayed.  It’s one thing for him to not believe in the promotions work I’ve done, it’s another thing for him to not support me in that field, but it’s quite another to have him publicly post that any promoter or organizer should expect to get criticized for their work when they put themselves out there in the community.  He knows I promote and organize, he knows how much of my heart I put into it (and time, and energy, and effort…), and he knows I’m feeling ripped apart and personally attacked due to the way our community treats and criticizes my work and the work of people like me.  I haven’t felt this hurt by someone close to me in a really long time – probably because I didn’t make myself this vulnerable and open to anyone in a really long time, because of the walls of fortress-like strength I’d put up around my heart.  I lower my fortresses and look what happens – I’m left feeling like I’m a fucking idiot for allowing one person to get this close to me.

The job I was gunning for and had spent over 3 weeks interviewing for gave me a call on Monday afternoon to let me know they went with another candidate, when I was certain that I had the job.  I’d already started planning how I was going to arrange my life around it, and how my paychecks were going to be used for the first month or two.  I started crying when I got the message, even though I was at a restaurant with a friend (at least the friend was there for support).

On top of all of this, my roommate’s boyfriend is around for week #3 after she told me he’d only be here a week, and the cold and sore throat I’ve been battling since the beginning of the month still hasn’t gone away.

I know that what I need to do is to keep thinking positive.  I need to keep focusing on the good things, remain true to believing that the universe will provide, and do my best to put my energy into the good and the positive.  But it’s kinda hard when this is the past few days – not even a week!  I keep going to yoga and trying to just let things unfold as they should.  I believe that things happen the way they do for a reason and I have faith that things occur in our lives (or don’t occur) in order for us to grow, to become better people, and sometimes to challenge us with our own struggles.  But man, is it ever fucking hard sometimes…

On the plus side…

I’m getting my hair cut on Friday, and I’m getting my tattoo consultation the same day.  I only did one escort call all month, and that was with an old regular who I knew would be a good call and a positive way to end my involvement in the industry (a pretty ribbon on the whole package, so to speak).  I’m not even considering going back to the sex industry, I’m still planning to go visit my lover at school, and there are plenty of free lectures and events to attend around town while I do temp work to make a bit of cash.  My bills – hydro, phone, old pager – are paid and up-to-date (aside from my rent).  I haven’t smoked weed in 3 weeks; haven’t had a drink in almost 2; haven’t done any hard drugs since Christmas (this all adds up to me being totally sober for almost 2 weeks now).  I’ve been going to yoga anywhere from 3 to 5 times a week.  I’ve been going to interviews, getting contacts and connections, and have an updated sharp-looking resume that my brother helped me with.

I’m making progress, so why doesn’t it feel like it?

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January 31, 2007

I can relate to how you are feeling, but i alway think that as much as life sucks, it could be worse. I have had the worst 3 months of my life and i just think about how other people may have it worse.

January 31, 2007

I hope the rest of the week gets better.

January 31, 2007

I hate the power money has over our emotional health 🙁 You ARE doing well though… focus on the positive *nod* (I imagine some of the withdrawal might add to the depression too, but that will pass when you weather it and you’ll be feeling really fabulous soon)

January 31, 2007

I just crushed my spouse on his cooking and now feel terrible reading this. The people closest must be our biggest champions. I am so sorry your puppy lover was less than lovely. Good on you mate for keeping clean and going to yoga. Now that my friend is an accomplishment you should be proud of. It was really hard for me to stop smoking weed so I can totally relate.

January 31, 2007

I’m sorry about the Puppy lover and them not being so supportive. i’m also sorry you didn’t get the job…but better things will come your way. i hope your throat feels better.i’m glad your sober <33

Want to know a traditional Antarctic cure for having crud lodged in your throat? Hot chocolate, and lots of it, as hot as you can take it – Not hot enough to actually damage flesh, but pretty hot. The theory is that the hot water kills the germs, which are fortified in all the slimy crap in your throat. Hell, it worked for me during my first year down here. I’m proud of you. Here’s to a dazzling resume and a positive mental attitude. Lots of internet hugs for you.

February 1, 2007

Oui. Because some progress is just wee little baby steps.

February 1, 2007
February 2, 2007

Super congrats on being sober for so long. It seems so impossible sometimes… To me it sounds like you got such a strong hold on your sense of self (well at least a pretty fcking good estimation) that your self talk/intelligence will and has saved you from passing that edge of depression. i was actually quite surprised that this title was your diary…

February 2, 2007

was that bus you left those photos on in toronto? that would be cool.

It never feels like you’re making progress, while you’re making progress. It’s like climbing a mountain. You climb, climb, climb, then after awhile you pause to catch your breath, and look down to find you way the f_ck up there. Keep climbing.

February 4, 2007

i have no idea how i missed this entry.. i usually read all your updates. hope you’re doing ok, feeling better than when you wrote this. xx