Shifting Relationships

I went out last night with a couple of friends for their birthdays, we got piss-ass drunk, and I brought home the newly-single friend I hooked up with a year ago.  I let her fuck me, figuring it would be fine because it was fine last year.  A year is a long time.  It wasn’t fine, but she doesn’t know that yet.  I made the mistake of thinking I was okay with letting someone do me again – uh-uh.  Nope.  I’m a little bit emotionally fuckered over it this morning, even though it was perfectly good sex.

I need to be stone again.  Not stoned – stone.  Wikipedia, help me out here… :

"A Stone Butch is a woman or Genderqueer person who is strongly masculine in character and dress, who tops her partners sexually (and sometimes emotionally), and who does not wish to be touched genitally. Not all stone butches identify in female terms, some are known to identify with male pronouns, and many stone butches – not all, but many – do not identify themselves with lesbian or within the lesbian community."

For several months early this year, I was stone.  I rarely let people fuck me, and I liked it that way.  It fucked with my head a bit, but it gave me a comfort zone after I dealt with a previous harsh episode.  If I were to do it again, I wouldn’t be totally stone – just with people who are new to my sex life.  My current partners I’m okay with, because at least they can either tell or will ask about how I’m doing on any given day.  Sometimes I’m not doing well enough to be fucked, and there are ways that we work around that.

On Thursday one of my lovers had to leave to go back to school.  I miss my puppy.  He’s such a good boy.

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September 4, 2006

My new girlfriend is stone. I hope it’s just a phase. 😛

RYN: I’ve read about the first third of the book and skipped around to different parts. I’m sending it down to the Ice in one of my care packages so that I may finish reading it down there. I’d love to have sex in Antarctica. Not many people can claim THAT one. Rather than the “mile-high” club, we could call it the “40-below” club. 😉

September 5, 2006

so you’re emotionally attached if you are fcuked? is there an opposite to being stone? i thought i was slightly sexually knowledgable but boy was I wrong.

September 5, 2006

so it says “not all, but many – do not identify themselves with lesbian or within the lesbian community.”.. do you? or will you if you become stone again? this is all very interesting.

My new goal is to make sure I’m having fun.

September 10, 2006

I had to re read what you wrote because I was thinking “I used to be a pot head” then I laughed at what you wrote. Not what you wrote but these wierd definitions for people. Definitely ain’t that … ryn. Yes exactly. Thanks for your note it was great. The last couple of days I have spent a lot of time looking at my hair. My hair is looking just fine and the grey only shows around the templewhen I pull it back yet when it is all hanging there a curly mess it is fine. I just cannot stand these bits of hair hanging around my face like bad breath. I will flip my hair, push out my chest and walk into the daycare like I own the place. (I feel like I should own the place with how much we pay on daycare)Char (my spouse) thinks I am mighty fine too and really that’s all that counts in my world. (that and that my children think the sun rises and sets on me which is always a great self esteem booster.) must go. Kisses mellie.