Answers III

Part III – The final reply.

I notice some people noted, both publicly and privately, that they had some disagreements with my assessments of Americans.  I think those people should consider my lifestyle and values, and examine (for themselves) what about the US would ever appeal to me – I’m a queer anti-corporate drug-using sex worker.

The last questions…

i’m sure i know the jist of it, but if you had to have a public debate, what would you say to your opponent, someone who identifies as an anti-porn, anti-sex work feminist?

I would argue that by being anti-porn, and anti-sex work they are in fact not being a feminist because they are buying into the patriarchal oppression of sexually unrepressed women, thus disempowering women from owning their own sexuality – and using it to bring ourselves to equal status with men.  Sex work of any kind is an opportunity for women to take the economy and begin to shift it in our favour.  By taking control of the main service men desire (a service that is only available from women – who have been oppressed through all of history), women could gain respect from men in a way that has never been witnessed before.

where does the name "shim" come from?

The name shim is a gender non-specific pronoun – it’s a mix of "she" and "him", and could be used in place of either a male or female pronoun, for example: "I told shim we were going to the movies."  I don’t think this is an actual gender neutral pronoun that really exists, and I’m fairly certain I made it up or picked it up from a friend or something, but I found it appropriate and still do.  It’s also short, which I like in a username.

Are you a taoist? I have studied it a small amount, but it still confuses me at times. Can you explain it any more?

I consider myself a recreational taoist – I’m familiar with the principle, and I’ve read a couple of books on the subject, but I wouldn’t call myself an expert by a long shot.  The basic principle that I’ve walked away with from taoism is the idea of balance – yin and yang, feminine and masculine, light and dark.  I’ve found that seeking balance in my own life (and if anyone’s life – but each has their own inner balance) has helped me to deal with a lot of really difficult situations, and situations that could have gotten out of hand.  While my own life is extreme, I seek to avoid inner extremes that cause me to fall outta whack.  There’s also a certain level of patience and inner reflection involved in taoism that helps me centre myself and appeals to my spirituality.

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July 10, 2006

Point taken.

My copy of “The Politics of Lust” arrived this afternoon. Is eBay cool, or what? 🙂

July 11, 2006

RYN: My six year old step-son took the belly photos of me last night, ha. I’d LOVE LOVE LOVE to have a nude photograph taken while pregnant.

July 11, 2006

(c) Jesse and I hope to find a photographer before Eva is born. Also, Jes was an art student… I am trying to talk him into drawing me nude pregnant. I think I’d be beautiful.

Very freaky, but at the same time surreal. It wasn’t a person, it was a body.