Answer Time

In answer to questions from the previous entry…

Ok, what exactly do you do for a living? Are you a student/promoter/call girl/marketer?

Yes.  😛

I’m all of the above.  I’m a part-time marketing student during the school year, but I only take 2 or 3 courses at a time and I’m only 5 short of being done my certificate.  My education and experience as a promoter (more on that in a minute…) led me to the opportunity to work on contract full-time at a marketing firm through most of June.  If I wanted to I could go into commission sales or a marketing associate position at pretty much any competitive company, but at this point I’m so disgusted with the entire field of marketing that it makes me panic to even think of taking on such a position full-time.

I’ve been working as a promoter for about a year and a half.  My promotions work is centred entirely around the queer community, and I would never go hetero.  For me promotions has become a volunteer gig – every once in a while I might make a hundred or couple hundred bucks here and there, but queers have no money and the cut usually ends up being minimal.  I’ve gotten into the habit of just donating any proceeds to non-profits and charities that support harm reduction, safer sex education, and trans support groups.

I work as an escort to cover bills and expenses.  For the last few months I have been working as an independent and am far too lazy/distracted/laid back to devote myself to it full-time.  I’ve (almost) always been able to pull off my rent, even if it’s at the last minute.  I’ve signed on with an agency to work through the summer, because although the agency takes a cut it ends up being easier for me – they take care of advertising, bookings, driver, etc.  Aside from the large societal and repression issues that come up due to sex work I really do love what I do.  I enjoy sex, I like meeting new people, I’m good at sales, and I feel empowered when I take control of a situation.  I also love my work because I technically only have to work 1 or 2 hours a week in order to pay all my bills, which leaves me with plenty of free time to work on promotions, go to the beach, and enjoy my weekends.

1. Three things you’d like all men to know?

i)  Women do not exist solely for your physical pleasure, nor should they be tricked, fooled, or confused into believing such a load of bullshit.

ii)  You are so simple to figure out that it’s not even a challenge.

iii)  Women are smarter by nature.

2. Three things you’d like all women to know?

i)  You are in control of men.  A man will do anything to get laid, if you know how to ask him right.

ii)  You are beautiful.  It really and honestly saddens me to hear women criticize their looks – every woman is beautiful in her own way, and I don’t mean that in a hippie-love kinda way.  Women have a beautiful shape to them, no matter what size, shape, or proportion they are – and for every size, shape, or proportion, there are people who will love it.

iii)  Sex work is empowering, if you can let go of your repression.  There is nothing wrong with taking ownership of your own body and using it to exploit men.

3. If you had the opportunity to pelt any celebrity with rotten eggs on live television, and were guaranteed to get away with it, who would be your rotten-egg target?

Tough call, tough call… The easy and automatic answer is George W. Bush, but I think I’ll save that answer for a more violent act.  I think I’ll go with… Bill O’Reilly.  He’s such an evil man.

what is your favorite place to eat?

Sushi restaurants and the cheap breakfast place near my house.  Those are both places where I can walk in wearing sweats, flip-flops, and aviator sunglasses.  Plus, the cheap breakfast place is great for taking lovers for breakfast – since I don’t cook, and I don’t want to spend a lot of money (but yet still want to impress), I like the $4 meal element.

Do you like to dance?

Not as much as I used to.  I’m good at it, and I give even better lapdances than my actual dancing, but these days I’m more likely to get bored and head off the dance floor to go get a drink or step outside.  I do generally dance for at least 5 minutes at any club event I attend, especially if they’re playing hip hop or rap.

um, yeah just tell me some more about yourself!

That’s not a question!  But…. I’ll still give you more… 😛

I’ve been going through a phase of changing my social circles around over the last few days or so.  Over the last 12 hours I’ve deleted 3 blogs, a website, my Myspace account, and my Friendster profile, and I’ve also unsubsribed from a mailing list.  I also plan to delete a minimum of half the numbers in my phone, and I haven’t returned any calls in about 3 days.  I’ve made the decision to focus more solidly inwards in order to be more efficient and true to who I really am.

I’ve come to the realization that even though I haven’t altered my behaviour in order to fit into the queer community, I have still altered some of my choices and decisions based on what I think people would think of them.  I’m tired of all of these fake people and fake friendships in my life.  I want to narrow it down to only the best in my life, because I’m done with conforming – not just to the mainstream, but to the alternative.

A haiku I wrote just after deleting my Myspace profile:
Goodbye my fake friends
With all your false flattery
Let me be myself

Got any more?  Keep ’em coming if you got ’em.

Log in to write a note

I was curious about the MySpace disappearance. You realize, of course, that you’ve wrecked my top 8, in the same way that taking a melon from the bottom of the pile makes all the other melons collapse and roll everywhere. 🙂

I have a few more. Oh yes. 1) I’d like you to write a haiku about America. 2) What bands/singers would play at Sylvia-fest? You get one headliner and five opening bands. Let’s hear it. 3) Tell me a short story about a stupid client of yours. I love those.

Oh, hell, one more. It’s midnight. You have one full can of red spray-paint and a large, blank wall that faces a major center of commerce, thus ensuring maximum visibility to many, many people. What would you write/draw on the wall?

Thanks for answering my question. Another one..(no offense intended) Since we are a nation of ex-cons, renegades, ruffians, and immigrants, do you think Americans give a damn about what anyone else thinks?

July 7, 2006

love the answers. especially the last one. And the haiku rocks. I think that’s cool that you’re honing down your social circle. I never could expand my friendships outside of my close social circle…i think i’m just too shy at first and i just don’t click with many many people. hm, i don’t know.