How Do You Trust When You Can’t Find It?

So, Andrea… She ended up getting pretty close to me, then I firmly shot her down a couple of weeks ago, and then now we’re seeing each other again.  It’s not a relationship and I won’t let it be one, but she’s already hurt me.

I like her, and I like spending time with her and being able to talk to her, but I really need to remember to keep my guard up.  She knows about my large-scale plans, and she basically told me today that she doesn’t think they’ll work.  Now, while some people might think of this as constructive criticism or a personal opinion, I happen to take it as a personal affront.

My business plans are my entire drive and focus at this point in my life.  I live to achieve what I believe in, and I have very definite aims with what I want to do with my life.  I won’t get into them, because that’s a bit too confidential to put out there on the internet, but it’s a big fuckin’ deal to me.  And this person has just said that they don’t believe in it.  Someone who I had opened up to and who I felt that I could trust.  I don’t think she knows how hard I’m taking it and I don’t particularly care to let her know – it’s just another reminder to me that when you’re seeing people it doesn’t mean you can trust them.

My life recently got much more interesting – suddenly I have all this action going on, and it’s kinda fucking with my head.  But I like being kept on my toes and forced to stay sharp.  This is part of why I think being single is a good thing – there’s so much to learn, so much to develop in each person.

I’ve found that I go for lovers who challenge me, people who fight back either verbally, physically, or both.  I have a date scheduled for Friday with someone who is taking every opportunity possible to challenge me in wits online.  This same person was flirting with 3 girls simultaneously on Saturday – but so was I, and so were a few other people.  It’s weird for me to be meeting people who treat sex and relationships the same way I do.

I smoke a lot of weed… and cigarettes… this past weekend I did blow again, which was an experience because a couple times I did it in front of two mostly straight-edge friends.

My goal for the first week of the new year is lofty or ambitious, or perhaps both:  I’d like to quit smoking, cut out caffeine, cut out sugar (ALL sugar – this means most foods), eat organic, and stop smoking dope (this is the part I don’t think I can do).  All for just one week.  Just to try it and see what happens to me.  I wonder how bad the withdrawal would be…

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If she truely cares/cared for you she would support your plans no matter what her opinion.

December 7, 2005

wow good luck. why sugar?

December 7, 2005

Did you think that maybe she is jealous of your motivation to excel and that’s why she shot you down? I too would also take it personally. I’ve had gf’s do that to me in the past and I’ve also been gulity of it. Just remember your above them!!!!

December 7, 2005

my gosh, all at once? Yeah the craving’s will be huge, but your willpower will have to be huger 🙂

December 7, 2005

I couldn’t be with someone who didn’t believe in my life goals. It’s amazing how many foods contain sugar. I try to eat as much organic food as possible.

December 8, 2005

I would take that personally. That can’t be taken constructively. Constructive would be saying, “hey maybe you should try this because this could make your business go smoother this way” or “Hmm, that’s cool and maybe think about this aspect too.” shit, not saying I dont think it’ll work, sorry. lol dumbass anywho, i think your little experiment at the end of the year sounds awesome. I love…

December 8, 2005

organic food. I also have tried to cut out caffeine in my diet, not all caffiene. I don’t eat a lot of candy, I drink pop very rarely. I do not drink coffee at all. And you know what…you can do anything you set your mind too. I know that sounds cliche, but it’s so true if you apply yourself! 🙂 ryn: man…I’d love to come…maybe i can plot a story…I’ll have to see…remind me again later k?

December 8, 2005

I must say weed isn’t an addiction I smoke from time ot time but doing lines Yeah that is something I just don’t understand. Hey to each is own

December 13, 2005

You’re a smart person and I’m confident that all of this will work out. 🙂 Thank you for the kind words you’ve left on my diary lately. *HUG*