Have You Ever

Survey "borrowed" from the1manfreakshow.  Some questions have been removed due to the fact that I found them foolish.

Have you ever stolen something?  Yes – I used to shoplift in my teens because my family was on welfare and I couldn’t afford things like makeup and jewellery, which all the other girls could.

Have you ever been caught stealing?  Yes – the last time I tried shoplifting I got busted by store staff who just told me to put the item back and leave the store.  I’m lucky they didn’t press charges.

Have you ever lied on an applicantion?  Exaggerated, yes, but never outright lied.

Have you ever shot a gun?  No, but I would like to, it’s one of my things on my life’s to do list.  I just figure that if I ever get in a situation where I need to use a gun it would be nice to know how to operate it.

Have you ever done any drugs (which ones) ?  Yes – I regularly smoke weed and I have used hash, acid, shrooms, ecstasy, cocaine, heroin and crystal meth.

Have you ever caught an STD?  Yes, herpes.

Have you ever masterbated?  Yes, most of my earliest memories are of masturbating.

Have you ever killed anyone?  No.

Have you ever seen a relative naked?  Yes.

Have you ever dated someone you met online?  Not in a relationship sense… I have gone on dates with people I’ve met online though.

Have you ever been on TV?  Yes, on the news for interviews.

Have you ever been accused of a crime?  No, though there was that day a few weeks ago where I happened to be around when my pot dealer got busted and the cops tried to hold me for a bit while the SWAT team went in after him.

Have you ever been to a funeral?  No, knock on wood.

Have you ever felt god has abandoned you?  No, and I feel the need to explain this.  My view on god is that either s/he doesn’t exist and therefore couldn’t abandon me, or if s/he does exist then would be the kind of entity that would never abandon anyone, regardless of who they are.

How old were you when you lost your virginity?  18

How  old were you when you first got drunk?  13

How old were you when you first got high? 13

How old were you when you first saw porn?  Probably about 14.

How old was your first sexual partner?  He was 17

How old was the oldest you have been with?  I’m seeing someone who’s turning 38 in about a month.

How many times have you had sex in a day?  Lost count.

How many people have you been with?  I have engaged in sexual intercourse with 18 people.

How many people have you kissed?  I stopped counting a few months ago – I was at about 40, and I’m probably around about 75 now

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Did you delete the questions about the color of your shampoo bottle, the last three digits in your phone number and your favorite air freshener smell?!?! I REALLY WANTED TO READ ABOUT THOSE!!!! Just kidding. I hate idiotic surveys like that. RYN: I met Rollins in Chicago – He gets hit on by gay men all the time, though I’m not sure about lesbians. 😉

November 2, 2005

well thank you honey! I always love a little glitter 😉

This may mean nothing coming from a straight man, but you’re a damn cute lesbian. I like the highlights in your hair.