Time For The Pictures To Come Down…

Came in this morning and the first thing I did was take down the two remaining pictures I had up of my ex at my desk.  It’s over.  Done.  Kaput.

Friday after work I went to the local gay pub for drinks with a bunch of lesbians, ended up having a few and then (foolishly) decided to meet up with my ex for sushi.  Yeah, bad idea.  Very bad idea.  Seeing as I was starting to have issues walking straight (this is at 7:15pm on a Friday), that’s not a good time to meet up with an ex.  We ended up having a blowout at the restaurant, harsh words were exchanged, and I ended up in tears in the washroom.  We’ve fought a lot, but it’s never been like this – we’ve never been physical fighters, but when she tried to hug me when I finally came out of the stall, I shoved her pretty hard.  She ended up paying the bill and leaving the restaurant, and I got my shit wrapped to go and then met up with her again just to wrap things up.  Yeah, we’re not going to talk to each other for a while now.

On the plus side, it’s not like I spent the whole weekend brooding over it – within half an hour of leaving my ex I was at the strip club, where I got both a poster (which I lost… somewhere… like I said, I had a few drinks that night) and a private dance that my friend bought for me.  Ended up at Vancouver’s only lesbian club, finished getting shitfaced, and ended up deciding to walk home from the club because I knew that if I took the bus I’d puke on the bus.  Took me an hour to get home because I had to keep stopping to kneel on the curb or lie down on bus stops.  Wow.  What a fucking night!

Saturday was pretty wild too… Oh man… Hungover all day, then a barbeque in the evening, then the lesbian softball league’s mixer to promote the dyke march, and then hitting a dive gay bar where I got fucked up with this hot chick I’m seeing and her friends.  Ended up getting taken home by the chick because I was way too fucked up and needed to lie down.  Had a little nappy nap when I got home, then woke up and launched into the rest of the evening – sex and coke till 7am.  Shit.  What another fucking night!!!

Shitty things happened, but I gotta say – when I look at the whole picture, the good far far far outweighs the bad.  Wow.  Goddamn!!

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I wish I was getting laid as much as you. It would sure give me something to look forward to after a pissing-pants-exciting day full of preparing insurance files for a document scanner. Ever seen American Beauty? Remember Kevin Spacey’s line about “This is me, jerking off in the shower. This will be the highlight of my day.” That’s kinda how it’s been the past week or two. Blaagh. =/

June 20, 2005

damn i’m sorry it had to end like that. It’s always unsettling having a fight, even if some things needed to be said you know? I’m so jealous you get to party. i never get to go and party because i have no freedom now. 🙁 god and i’d be such a fun party attendant 🙂

June 21, 2005

Sean and I read your entry. Currently he is flexing his ‘hip flexors’. 😀 We’re about to smoke a bowl and have crayz sex. He told me to say that instead of “:D”. He asked if you know much anything about Hunter Thompson.

wheres my lapdance??!?!?!??! i want a private dance, of you!! please? ill beg you? 🙁 sorry bout your ex, its deffo not a good idea to see an ex while drunk. *hugs* xx

June 22, 2005

ryn: lol, well I hope that’s a good thing :)I guess it means i’m not a boring asshole. i hate boring assholes. haha