Opening Your Heart

If you open your heart, there is much more room to fall in love, to love in general, and to become close to people.

However, opening your heart also exposes you to the world, allows you to be hurt more easily.

My heart is closed, and it has been for a very long time now.

I was asked about a week ago if I plan to live the rest of my life without ever opening my heart again, without love and loving, without ever getting close to anyone or exposing myself.  I think I said yes.  I don’t know… I could open my heart, leave myself exposed and vulnerable, but what if I get my heart gets crushed again?  I don’t know if I could handle it.

I think this is why I seem so blase when I do bad things, or when bad things happen to me – as long as you don’t open your heart and care, nothing seems important or hurtful.

Thoughts?  Comments?  Suggestions?

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June 1, 2005

I sometimes think like that, but then I’ll meet someone who sees through all of my walls, and it reminds me that there are people out there who are good enough for me to open up to. Maybe the ideal is to be somewhere in between completely open and closed.

June 2, 2005

i’m so jealous. I tihnk that what I’ve learnt from my meagre existance (i’m depressed right now, ignore the negativity! lol) that I will in fact not open my heart again. It took about two years of constant persuasion to open it at all. so I’d say continue as you are now, unless someone jumps out at you and you are reasonably sure it will get you what you want. but

June 2, 2005

with all the fun you seem to be having, all the confidence, all the experiences… sounds like you definitely don’t need that!

July 29, 2005

I’ve tried to lock up my heart. Life is pain. I don’t recommend it, but I understand first-hand, the fear of being hurt, so it would be hyprocritical of me to say, “Open yourself up and fall in love again!” Love kind of makes me ill, mostly because I know that I’m not immune to it and I’d really like to be.