09/08/2011 – edit – rant!

don’t hate, but i am not a fan of my morning jacket.

at all.


i said something to megan today, but not about the stuff from the previous entry. she went to salud last night (you know, the place she wanted to know if my boyfriend was going to) and she hung out with john. she texted me today saying that i "have such a great friend in john" and i know this, but i asked her why. her response was, "we were talking about eric and i told him that i didn’t trust him and that i know he’s going to fuck you over."

first, this is none of megan’s business. i appreciate her concern, but i think i’ve dated enough shitty guys and had my guard up long enough to figure out whether or not someone is bad news. furthermore, she’s been saying this from the beginning and she didn’t want me to date him and would tell me regularly that i needed to stay away from him and it’s one of the reasons i almost never came around with eric. on top of that, she doesn’t need to be saying that shit to anyone because then i get questions about eric and i have to defend him when he hasn’t done anything wrong. also, if she hates my boyfriend so much…why does she want to hang out with him when i’m not there?

he’s an awesome guy. sorry he’s attractive. there are attractive guys out there who aren’t out to fuck over the entire world of women. no,  haven’t had lots of experience with guys like that so it’s easy to fall into whatever megan is saying, but my brother is that way. brad is really good looking and he’s so genuine.

i basically told megan to stop telling me and our friends that.

i’m still furious about it though. i can’t figure out if she’s jealous or clueless or if it’s her lack of a filter.

what i do know is that i don’t want to see her this weekend and i’m not going to. i have plans with eric and some of his friends friday and we’re going dancing and megan hates to dance. saturday i have to find a job and i have to study. saturday night is my grandpa’s birthday and sunday i’m seeing abi and i’m going to be studying and working on a paper.

time for a run.


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September 8, 2011
September 8, 2011

No hating here! It took about 2 years of my boyfriend playing them constantly for them to grow on me. Now I really like them.

September 9, 2011

she sounds jealous IMO, especially considering the way she told you.

September 9, 2011

she clearly doesn’t want good things for you. She probably sees how great things are going, feels threatened by you and your relationship, and needs to cut you down in order to feel better about herself. It’s a ****ty coping mechanism but sooo many people use it. Live and let live!