09/07/2011 — edit

i’m in a pickle.

so i finally have all the pieces i’ve wanted for a long time, right? a best friend, a boyfriend, school, my own place. here’s the problem. megan is smothering me. for the last few weeks she’s been calling me several times a day, texting constantly, and she wants to be at my apartment in SA as soon as i’m back in town. don’t get me wrong — i love this girl. she’s the shit. but i need my space.

how do i tell her?

it’s not even that i mind hanging out with eric and megan at the same time because i don’t. the three of us have such a good time together, but i’d like to spend some time with just eric. more importantly, i’d like to spend some time alone. just me. it’s hard to go from spending a large portion of time alone to having all of these people to share time with.

take friday, for example. i got into SA around 12:30. megan wanted to know as soon as i got into town but i told her i wouldn’t be in until around 3. i wanted to chill out for a bit alone and get some laundry done at my dad’s. 3 rolls around and she’s blowing up my phone wondering when she can come over.

not cool.

i don’t want to lie to her about when i’m in town. i’ve never been on this side of the scenario and it sucks to be in megan’s position. it’s how i lived out high school. it was horrible. it sounds easy — just tell her, right? but how? i don’t want to hurt her feelings and i think she’s the type to pull back completely when you tell her something like this.

advice please.

edit —

okay, so megan just texted me asking me to ask eric if he was going to salud tonight. this is weird to me. am i overreacting? it’s not that i don’t trust them. i guess i would never hang out with megan’s boyfriend (if she had one) without her there, even if i had known him prior. i suppose it’s a little different if they knew eachother before we started dating…but they didn’t. it’s over stepping a boundary for me. one more thing to talk about…but now i’m feeling a little bit more pissed.


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September 7, 2011

oh boy. tell her. act really nonchalant about it. Sometimes i think, if you act as though telling her is not a big deal but just something in passing, she won’t stress so much that it’s a big deal. Because it’s really not. You are someone who needs you time. When you tell her you’re going to hang out alone..suggest a specific time for you two to hang out later. that way she knows she is still

September 7, 2011

an important part of your life. p.s. thanks for the note. it was perfect

September 8, 2011