one year

So camping was last week. Though it was supposed to be the whole week long, Chris and I bailed out half way through. With me having to go to the bathroom 6 times a night and him just not being very camping-friendly, it wasn’t all that thrilling.

So we left Wednesday and went back up Thursday to go to the Galloway House and Village with the whole family. That was really very interesting when it started pouring out.

Of course, that night was the gigantic storm for all of southeast Wisconsin, so we got tons of rain and it was pretty bad. Apparently Milwaukee is going to be getting some federal funding because of all the damages. There was a record of 2500 basements flooded Friday morning, and they were still taking in calls of more. The YMCA down the street from me is shutdown until the 28th and the lower floor will be closed until further notice because of the flood damage it had there, and 90% of the buildings in my complex got flooded basements. It’s crazy.

Anyway. One year anniversary today. How crazy is that?! I cannot believe it. It feels like it was yesterday or something. I’m so happy to be with him, and to have things still going so wonderfully. We’ve yet to have that giant nasty fight that everyone talks about in their marriages, and I just cannot see it happening. I’m sure under the stress of a child things may change, but I hope to continue being this happy and content for my entire life. Chris made my life perfect, and I thank the stars for bringing him into my life every day.

And I’m now on my eighth week of baby-making, and it has been intense. I see the doctor in two days, so we shall see how it goes. I just hope the symptoms go away after the first trimester, as they normally do, because if I am nauseous and sick like this the whole time, I may die.

I’m drinking a lot more water then I used to, which is strange for me, but I’m starting to get used to it. Makes some of it easier to deal with, I just want to be able to eat normally again.

Don’t know if we’re going to do anything today, since we are pretty strapped for cash, but we may be able to do a little something. I think I’m going to go and see if there’s any movies out that look good, though, like, $20 it may come out to the cheapest thing. Ciao for now

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July 28, 2010

Congrats hun 🙂