don’t know

2004: 192
2005: 304
2006: 285
2007: 74
2008: 59
2009: 54
2010: 16

I started thinking today about why i bother keeping this if it is just drastically failing like this. I mean, it’s JUNE and this is my 17th entry for the ENTIRE year. i feel like a failure >.<

I just don’t have the ability to let this go. Even though I have nothing interesting to say anymore, or what not, it would just be completely weird to not have it anymore for when I feel the need to share something.

I want to sit here and say that I’m going to write more again, at a minimum of once a week, but every time I say that, I don’t follow through.

I just hope I will.

I think I’m going to start printing out entries so that whenever I do decide to end this, I can have it all kept together still.

Work has been irritating me immensely. No one know what they are doing, and it’s starting to really drive me up a wall.

Chris has decided to go back to school finally, and will be enrolled in the fall semester. (it’s 95% certain at this point that he will be, that is)

I’m really excited for that. He’s too smart to be sitting behind a register at walgreens, so this will be a very good thing. Plus, if he goes through with what he is planning on, I will get to be a stay-at-home wife/mom. I’ll probably still work, at least with, like, my photography, but the option would be there, and that’s what matters. The thought of sometime in my future to come I won’t be really working…. I live for that.

I did put in a request for more information for an online school though, where I could go through and get an associates degree in psychology. That would be really awesome if I could get that done in a couple years too.

Chris’ sister is moving in with us, since we need a roommate, to help with expenses with him going back to school. Since he’s going back to UWM he will probably try and cut back hours at work, even get off third shift altogether if they’ll let him. The thought of him being home and sleeping as the same time as me makes me joyful!

I did Brian’s senior pictures a couple weekends ago, and am waiting for them to make their selections now to get it all done with. My mom is even planning on paying me for them, and with that I’ll be able to buy a nook or kindle, whichever I decide upon, and a tripod for my camera.

I’m just over a month away from my one year wedding anniversary! I cannot believe how fast it’s gone. I’m in shock. I’m going to have to get Chris’ gift soon… I think I found the perfect thing too. XD

So anyway, going to go. I need to take a shower quick…


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