i do live

Okay, so it’s about midnight, but that’s okay. I was going to pass and write tomorrow, but I know myself well enough to go "yeah, right… like that will actually happen"

SO to update about whats been happening for the past month… I spent a lot of time working. >.>

I lead such a boring life.

In terms of work, the guy I was sent to Q to temporarily replace… he’s back. Needless to say, I’m not back at my store.


It’s ridiculous. They want me to stay there… and be a THIRD manager in the department. What kind of bogus crap is that?!

Stupid effing Roundys. I hope they burn to the ground.

Oh I would love to just watch the warehouse light up in flames… it would be priceless.

So I’m completely and utterly just pissed off, and now also extremely bored. Yeah, it’s just like when i was sent to Germantown because they oh so desperately needed me… just so I could spend half of my shift sitting there.

I’m going to go crazy. Just effing crazy.

I’m applying for a second job too. We need some extra cash flow to help pay off bills. We just sold the Jetta yesterday, got $1350 for it. We are gonna use it for a down payment on a new car, and Chris has his eyes on a Toyota Yaris. He really likes that car, and it gets excellent gas mileage. I think I may look some up before I go to bed quick.

So far I have applied to Walgreens, Best Buy, and Target. I’m hoping at least one of these places will call me. I don’t see why they wouldn’t. I know for sure Target was actually looking for the position I was applying for, where as Walgreens and Best Buy have you apply, and then call you if there is an actual opening.

I’m trying to think of where else I can apply. I don’t want to do fast food, or waitressing. Fast food because I hate it, and I have zero coordination/memory skills for being a waitress.

I figure I’ll give those three places about two weeks, and if I don’t hear anything, I’ll apply at a few more places. Or I may look tomorrow, since I have the day off. *shrug*

Alrighty, I am gonna try and update again soon. I just spent the last month wanting to bang my head against a wall way more then wanting to sit down and type.


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