few weeks

so, steve being back into it all is really nice. i never thought i would love stocking load as much as i do right now. and with all the practice of having to fit 16 hours of work into 8, im able to get the load up in, like, 4 hours. so i spend the next half of my shift doing pretty much whatever.

its been nice.

until today. dont get me wrong, i got through the load (even faster since my mood was so tainted so i tend to work faster when im angry cuz im throwing things more) but Jenna comes up to me and is all: i dont want you to freak seeing your schedule or whatever, so just so you know, for the next 6 weeks your going to be working at County Line"


NOOOOOO i wont.

i went all out on her about it too. i was yelling at the service desk.


besides, last time i worked at that store, one of the guys in the department KEPT TOUCHING ME. I AM NOT OKAY WITH THAT. and i told todd too, SO HE DIDNT SEND ME BACK.

so it will be an interesting friday morning when he comes to talk to me about it and i say "no thanks" and walk away.

not. going. to. happen.

they can fire me. and i know perfectly well they dont want that, BECAUSE IM WAY TO FREAKING GOOD OF A WORKER.

bastards. i really hate that place. everyones all "why work there then??" umm… i dont know. maybe because the ECONOMY SUCKS AND THIS IS THE BEST I CAN GET!!!

i mean, im full time, amazing benefits, and $13.50 an hour AND 3 weeks of vacation…. well… 4 really cuz i have "5 personal days"

and im supposed to go find something better right now? i know it wont happen. so no, i dont want to be fired, but ill take the damn unemployment and figure something out. ill get two part time jobs if i have to. WHATEVER.

besides, i also have two weekends coming up that im going to need off for, and im not going to some store where my schedule is going to be all over the place.

and i just spent the past 4 months saving that damn hell-holes ass by working 4AM until NOON and NEVER SEEING MY NEW HUSBAND BECAUSE OF IT. now ive spent a week and a half with steve back, being able to enjoy seeing chris in the mornings again, and sitting with him, and they expect me to just STOP IT?? 

eff them. eff them all.

im going to go make food now, and read The Time Traveler’s Wife. because otherwise i may actually go PvP on WoW, and wake everyone in the building with my screaming.


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