
so i never did write when i meant to, so heres goes it.

my boss, Todd, is a moron. okay, i know a lot of people out there are all "it doesnt take brains to work in a grocery store or even run one" but you know what? it takes a lot more then youd think, like it or not.

you would be surprised how much it actually take. people in this world are so picky about buying stuff. if they have to stand in a line for more then 8 seconds, they get angry and leave a cart full of stuff. or how many people will pick up frozen popsicles and then decide "oh hey i dont want this" and throw it on the shelf in the vegetable aisle. and WE have to deal with it. EVERY DAMN DAY. and on top of the really, REALLY frustratingly annoying customers (which by the way, being in the customer service business does NOT make you a people person, if anything, it makes you hate them more and more) we have to deal with our boss. and his boss.

now, Todd doesnt know ANYTHING. i start every day at 3 am because i get a measly 105 hours a WEEK to schedule out between me and 5 others. the normal schedule range is about 150 because i need people to STOCK MY LOADS. so, since my hours get cut every week to accomidate there stupidity of how "we dont have the hours there to work with" i come in at 3 so i can put up tags, finish stocking any load, and write my orders.

now im being told i cannot start until 5. techincally i shouldnt be allowed until 7 because that is our new district management schedule, but todd is passing me off as "manager-on-duty" so i can be in earlier. i told him, there is no way i can start that late, because i have orders due 3 times a week at 730 in the morning, and i cannot finish half a load, and work backstock, and write the order, and hang tags if there are any, in 2 1/2 hours. ITS JUST NOT POSSIBLE BECAUSE I AM NOT FREAKEN SUPERMAN. but of course, he cant grasp that. you want to know WHY? because i am apparently lying. there are no such things as tags. i dont have to hang those. what do i mean we have sales break 3 times a week? we only have one ad! well guess what? ROUNDYS LIKES TO SAY THEY HAVE LOWERED OVER 5000 PRICES BUT THAT IS A LIE BECAUSE EVERY WEEK I PUT UP TAGS THAT UP PRICES. so dont beleieve any grocery store thats all "new, lower prices!" because more then likely, something else is being jacked up to make it look that way. OR my favorite is upping the price, and the next week reducing back to what it was, saying that is a "cut-back" blarg.

ANYWAY. it really is hard to describe all of the things Todd does to make him look worse and worse day by day, because a lot of you have no idea anything im referring to when i start actually using pns lingo and being all "shrink this, and sale percent that, and transmission times and such" but heres one thing: next thursday is thanksgiving, right? we close at 3PM. i scheduled Anthony 6A-2P . Todd being the wonderful moronic idiot that he is went and changed his schedule: 8A-4P. yes, that is right. he changed his schedule to be there an HOUR AFTER THE STORE CLOSES. i told Anthony to IGNORE IT and work whatever he wants to, just as i will. i WILL be working 3a-11a on thanksgiving, NOT 5a-1p, because i need to SLEEP before i go to Chris’s mom’s for dinner.

he told one of our managers "well, my schedule has me off on thanksgiving, but i really wish i could work." im sure hes OH SO DEPRESSED ABOUT THAT. stupid bs.

you could come into my store and ask anyone…. this man is utterely detested. he has no knowledge of anything. he cannot even operate the damn registers.

and Roundys just fails as a business now. yes, we are still the busiest supermarket in Wisconsin, but will we be forever? not if they keep cutting back hours so severely. yes, i know we are practically reliving the great depression, but there is only so much we can do.

so for any body who works in grocery store: im sorry you have to deal with this too. when your hours are cut by 100, you have problems. people get angry, and theres nothing you can do about it. and im not kidding. every department has had there hours cut by 100 plus. our meat department barely has enough hours to schedule someone to CLEAN THE CUTTING ROOM. we run out of cut meat by 4 in the afternoon. our deli ends up with one person on after 5. no one in bakery after 3. and my dairy/frozen department? i get a load every day except saturday, both dairy and frozen load on friday. sunday i get two people to stock, and three on friday. the rest of the days…. one peron. a second person for maybe 4 hours, if im lucky. and a load consists of approximately 350-400 pieces. its a LOT for one person. on top of that, you have to fill milk and eggs, do temperature checks, face the department so it looks nice, and fill sale items as they run low. and once a week… change all of the end caps over to the new product. and one person cannot do it all. yet Roundys believes they can. so as i said, all those in the grocery business, i feel your pain. i am a manager, and i dont care anymore. i come in and work. i get no bonus check, because i am not worthy enough anymore, they took it away from me. so all of you secret shoppers? i dont care if i ignore you. all of you health audits? i dont care if we fail one because i didnt have enough time to rinse out the drains one day. I. DONT. CARE. i have done enough. i work six days a week so i can try and keep the back room in order, and not look like a bomb has blown up in it.

all of those who shop in a grocery store: remember one thing, the person behind that counter, stocking that product, checking you out, bagging for you… they are people who are just trying to get paid. do NOT treat them like crap. do NOT yell and moan when you have to stand in line, because you do NOT know what it is like that day. for all you know, there could have been 3 17 year olds who called in because they have a "tummy ache". so you know what? no, our shelves are not going to be 100% full for you, and yes, sometimes we run out of things, and no, we can not fly at a speed of light to get you through our registers, especially when 2 people ahead of you is that ONE old person who has to count out 98 cents in pennys, or write out a check. or its the one right in front of you with the $300 order who has to watch the price of everything, and have you check twelve prices, with $200 in coupons. SOMETIMES we get busy, and we have a lot to deal with at once. but you know what? we dont come into your work and yell at you, or throw a hissy fit. we are not your b*tches. we are just trying to afford a little bit of a life, and try and make it through this world just as anyone else is. and you know what? 95% of us still do it with a smile on our face, however forced it is, because it is our job. the postman is not NEARLY as a big a threat as the people working in your local grocery store. the postman barely ever has to talk to anyone. we have to talk to you every day, and more times then i can count, i have imagined punching you firml

y in the nose. start treating us like people, and realize that we do not have the means to accomidate your every whim, or one day, you just may find yourself biting into an apple, only to find out an itsy bitsy tiny needle was poke in there in the backroom with some arsenic or something, cuz one day, someone is just going to snap.


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November 19, 2009

i agree about EVERYTHING. amen lol.

November 20, 2009

Tiff had gotten tickets a long time ago so it seemed like a fun thing to do with the girls. We were all severely annoyed by the screaming Twi-hards, but we liked the movie.

November 24, 2009

I love you. Being in customer service sucks. I wish I could help you – they’re on the verge of closing our Perkins down/firing our managers because of how poorly we’ve been doing, but they’re doing well by us employees. <3